donkeypoofed's JournalIt's time to get Tucker off the air; Boycott his advertisers!!
This is Carlson's quote:
"How shocked are we that 17 yr olds with rifles decided they have to maintain order when no one else would?".
Wtf is wrong with him ?!?!?! I'm gonna find out his advertisers and will come back and update. It's time to finish him off. His show is bleeding advertisers and a few more lost should do it.
The anti-Biden threads on Reddit are hilarious !!
They don't have much to work with !! Threads with titles like "Biden's speech was too short". I laughed so hard at that and so went into the thread and posted that if that's all they had, then those poor bastards had nuthin'. Not one poster has ever answered that. Other threads have been that Joe used to be touchy-feely - whereas I chime in with Creepy Trump videos and Pedo allegations. I've done this 50+ times and only one time did a fellow pedophile jump up to defend him. There is no defense for that either so I usually hear nothing further. Its a great stress reliever !
My point is that all their puny efforts are the result of having a p.o.s. to work with and the tone & fight in those posts are weak and waning. Sooo much fun to see! There's not much air left in the Trump campaign's balloon!
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