donkeypoofed's JournalCPAP machines adapted for use in Covid19?
I recently heard that a company in EU has been adapting their CPAP's as ventilators - has anybody else here heard anything? I have a CPAP and it would be nice to know if it can be used for this.
Isn't this an intriguing idea?!
Floridians - I'm so sorry
For what's about to happen to you.
Last night on Rachel Maddow, she showed that Kinsa Health map (aka the fever map) where all the fevers are mapped by their app on digital thermometers. Normal sicknesses are filtered put and it only shows abnormal sickness. Well, even after all that was done, your state was SO full of red fever dots! Even more than NY state!
And there is your dumbass Governor not shutting anything down in the name of spring break money, and now 1000's more of you are going to die. You didn't know you were electing such "stupid", but it happened anyways and now innocent people are going to die.
I'm so sorry.
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