Pepsidog's JournalSure does feel like the bad guys keep getting richer, they don't care to hide the corruption, we
really are in big trouble. I say it all the time but until
we somehow deal with the scourge that is Fox we are stuck with a really shitty country. And with the structural imbalance caused by the electoral college we are stuck being ruled by the minority party. It really is deflating to think that anything that Biden does pass that helps has a good shot of being knocked out by a SCOTUS that is right there trying to own the libs.
First time I saw that segment. Stewart mentions something about how an administration couldn't
be more absurd or words to that affect. Little did Stewart, or any of us know, what was coming down the road. My kids saw me flipping out for 8 years of Bush and when Trump came along they accused me of crying wolf. We thought Bush was the absolute worse president ever and his incompetence could never be match. Trump comes along and achieves a new low. Is it possible that in the future there could be a president worse than Trump? Literally, I cannot say one good thing about Trump as a president of a man. As flawed as W was I never saw him as an inherently evil person. As a man I could see Bush was a decent man who was in way over his head and was lead around by the rw chicken hawks. At least at the end, Bush tried to move separate himself from Cheney and retained at least a modicum of decency as he sprinted out of office. From a historical perspective, Trump was the best thing that ever happened to George Bush.
I know DOJ isn't going to do anything even if there were elements of an offense and all trials
are public. My comment was more of an expression of aggravation that these traitors would nit face consequences for their actions rather than a suggestion. As a former prosecutor and current criminal defense attorney for over 30 years, the Trump years exposed how one immoral, lawless president could commit crimes in plain sight, destroy our institutions, create chaos worldwide and bust norms aided by a complicit Senate to the point of nearly destroying our Republic. Worse yet, the fundamental unfairness of our electoral system will guarantee that the ignorant minority will continue to rule over the majority of Americans who just want to live a better life. So yes you are correct they will not be tried for sedition but make no mistake, if Democratic lawmakers did what the Republicans did they for sure would be tried for sedition, regardless of the law. Is that in doubt? My goodness, they impeached Bill Clinton over a lie about sex. If Republicans and the lawyers who pushed these baseless claims over voter fraud are not held to account then they will do it again and maybe next time they will succeed.
Everyday is gonna be torture for him from now on. I know because he has tortured us for 4 years. We
had grand plans of all we would accomplish with Hillary especially with SCOTUS. Instead this evil man is like the plague. a parasite that consumes everything in its path eventually killing us all. Trump should rot in hell. I hope there is a rapture for Trump and all the evangelicals and Republican supporters will surely be trapped in purgatory for what they have inflicted on humanity and the earth. The destructiveness of Trump and the Republicans and the Christian Right is rapidly destroying everything that was great about this country. I fear our country is on a deep spiral downward that will continue unless we have brave and committed representatives start speaking out. As opportunistic as Rs are you would think a few would be moved to reject the right and join the Dems to het rid of McConnell who is truly worse than Trump. I mean come on Im sure these Republican Senators if properly investigated are up to all kinds of illegal activity. Target a few, quietly investigate them and then lower the boom. Republican goon Langome put a tail on Spitzer and found out his dirty secret, we gotta do the same. On second thought, wasnt the esteemed former Sen from La. Vitter caught with a hooker and wearing a diaper and he was re-elected and his wife is now a federal judge with a lifetime appointment and rated unqualified. Good grief we are in trouble. Im rambling, I know but I just cant believe where we are at as a country. Just imagine what our country would look like if Gore and Hillary had won. And now we are looking at 20-30 years of 6-3 SCOTUS who by the way I hear are looking to toss one of the most popular laws ever written the TCPA that stopped robocalls because of so called Textualism. For Christs sake Im now as depressed as Trump. But I will only feel better tomorrow and each day after that if Trump and Republicans are pursued relentlessly. Lets do it quietly but we gotta do it. Man would I love to Adam Shiff as special deputy to DOJ in charge of rooting out Trump and Republican crimes. That would make me happy again.
You are correct. My adult kids who hate Trump laugh at me when I say he is trying to sway red state
electors to go rogue. I told my kids four years ago dis you ever imagine we would be fighting to save our republic. Sure Laurence Tribe wrote how the Rs plan to cancel the Pa vote if Trump lost by claiming massive voter fraud. As I recall, Tribe ended the article by saying something to the effect that Pas Gov Wolfe has the last say and would not sign off on the plan. That rational was based on the assumption the SCOTUS would faithfully interpret the Pa. election law. Now I read articles that in some R states there is no consequence for voting against the will of the people. Very concerning that note Rs have not repudiated Trump. Even more crazy that once again Trump has the media focused on non-existent voter fraud than other more important issues. Trump is using Mark Levins playbook and this needs to be exposed. The fight isnt over yet.
Absolutely. And that's what Trumper's don't understand. Their false sense of patriotism is rooted in
in ignorance an basic lack of understanding what constitutes a democracy and the basic freedoms granted by our constitution. 30 years of RW media has twisting and distorting their minds to think that liberals are the enemy, are some sort or communist cabal handed us Trump. Unless we can do something to course correct, or deal with RW propaganda the next guy like Trump with half a plan could really destroy our country. We need to plug up all the things we thought were norms that Trump pushed aside and codify them to so we dont get another Trump. All the things we thought were rules but werent like the presidents assets places in a blind trust. Thats why I sure hope its possible to win the Senate. Lastly, Trump and all those who profited must be held responsible for his actions. Furst thing would be an Executive Order preventing Trump and family making money on the Secret Service. Make Trump flip the bill for their caddies and rooms at his hotels.
Abortion is one thing, it's all the other issues that are frightening like expanded police powers,
degrading individual rights, tort reform, corporations running amok, the environment. If Dems take all 3 branches they must do something with SCOTUS and the Senate. Add seats and states. I am sick and tired of the backward, fanatical religious right dictating how I live. Dems must be bold, they must crush the right and try to deal with the right-wing media monopoly and make Liz Warren the new Trust Buster to go after social media and tech giants. Last, the must reorganize the Federal courts to dilute the damage Tump and NcConnell has done. It's a lot and they may have only 2 years to do it if they take the Senate but do it they must.
Ain't that the truth.But most Trumpers think the media is controlled by the left. To which I say,
years ago I had to get a subscription. To Sirius to even listen to lefty talk radio and that was slim pickings. Fox and right wing radio has settled these peoples' minds and ability to think. Many rural areas only have Fox and RW radio so is it surprising that they are brainwashed, what choice do they have? There just isn't any alternative views. MSNBC is a flea compared to Fox and many rural areas don't have any left leaning media outlets. And this is the problem that will continue to polarize the country. All Trumpers spout the same misinformed propaganda about the left. Liberals want to take from the rich and give to the poor. Dems want to give illegal immigrants free everything, education. housing, healthcare etc. Trump is a brilliant businessman who sacrificed to run for president. Trump tells it like it is and sticks it to China etc. He was first leader to meet with Kim Jung Un, like that is a good thing. Trump handled the pandemic brilliantly. Libs want to take your guns away. Just a litany of Fox and RW BS that they think is good for America because that is all they hear. Can we blame these misinformed dupes?
Another great ad but I am waiting for the "What Could Have Been Ad".
What could have been if we had a leader guiding us through this pandemic like every American President before rose to the occasion to unite and lead the country regardless of party. Where are the Dem leaders standing outside his Gold course with a hoard of reporters screaming why are you golfing while people are dying. Dem leaders should have a sit in, or hunger strike demanding that the Federal govt takes the lead in the pandemic. He is golfing while we are dying. The focus should be on his lack of action everyday. You never hear Trump talk about what being an American means and how the world looks to us to lead on everything from human rights, justice and equality, and yes, militarily when needed. The world has always looked to the USA that's why when Obama was elected hope returned to the world who came out by the millions to see him. Trump never expresses American greatness, he only degrades, divides, and it's never about America, it is always about him. And people let me just say this, I live in New Jersey and my son was in Ocean City , New Jersey for the 4th and he was disgusted by the inordinate number of Trump signs he saw. It's all about owning Libs, nothing about policy. Trump's greatest asset is the ability to bring the very worst out in people. He gives license to hate and this BLM movement infuriates his supporters, and now this cancel culture bullshit . We cannot take this election for granted. Forget the polls, he can win again and we must do everything in our power to prevent this. Let The House start tomorrow by initiating an impeachment inquiry into Bill Barr. He must go now.
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