TomSlick's JournalArkansas Supreme Court strikes "Tort Reform" constitutional amendment from ballot
The Arkansas Supreme Court today struck a proposed constitutional amendment passed by the GOP Legislature. The proposal would have capped damages for "non-economic" damages, punitive damages and limited attorney contingency fees. The real propose of the proposed amendment was to strip the power to make rules of procedure and evidence from the Supreme Court and give that power to the Legislature.
The Supreme Court did not address the merits of the proposed amendment. Instead the Court ruled the proposed amendment violated a requirement of the Arkansas Constitution that a proposed amendment can address only one issue. As described, the amendment addressed multiple issues. Nevertheless, the decision is a victory for the rights of individuals over big business and a loss for the GOP Legislature.
My wife said something about Kavanaugh that I can't stop thinking about.
My wife said last night: "Not all woman were sexually assaulted but we all know a Brett Kavanaugh." When she said that, I immediately thought of guys in high school and college who were Brett Kavanaughs. I suspect we have all known a Brett Kavanaugh.
It seems to me that a having a Brett Kavanaugh on the Court would be devastating to the judicial system.
What do I do now?
I wanted to be a lawyer from my high school days. Being a lawyer is not just what I do, it's who I am. I served nearly thirty years in the Army between active and reserve duty as a judge advocate. In total, I have been a lawyer for thirty-five years. The idea that the law and the rule of law was basic to our society is core to my life philosophy.
I see today that the leadership of this country has no regard for the rule of law or the integrity of the courts. It seems likely the US Supreme Court is about to have a justice creditably accused of attempted rape - one who, it seems certain to me, has committed perjury - one who has declared war on the Democratic Party as a group.
If the rule of law and the integrity of the Courts is torn down, what's left for me? What assurance can I have that the courts are intended to dispense justice. How can I tell my clients that they should expect justice from the courts.
What do I do now?
If I was Ted Cruz, I'd be pissed.
The Senate race in Texas is on a knife's edge at best (from Creepy Ted's perspective). It could be really close. Anything could tip the race.
The prospect of hosts of women in Texas being infuriated by confirming Kavanaugh should frighten the hell out of him. Trump and McConnell are prepared to sacrifice Cruz for the confirmation and he's expected to toe the line.
I'd be pissed.
Why I'm never a character witness.
There is a recent OP reporting that the woman in the pro-Kavanaugh ad has repented of her endorsement (although the ad continues to run). She has reminded me why I am never a character witness.
Some years ago, a guy I knew was accused of stealing money from a charity for which he worked. I told anyone who would listen that I had known the guy for years, that he was a man of sterling character, and simply could not have stolen money from the charity. I continued to make my character defense as confidently as I could - up until the day he pleaded guilty.
My lesson learned is that you really do not know people - no matter how well you think you know people.
I think Kavanaugh is making a mistake.
If Kavanaugh doesn't withdraw from consideration and is confirmed, I think his problems will not be over.
Whether or not Dr. Ford testifies, my bet is there are scores of reporters trying to run down her allegations. Somebody is going to ascertain the facts - there are Pulitzers at stake. If, as I believe, what they will find substantiates the allegations, Kavanaugh will find himself being a Supreme Court justice facing charges for attempted rape.
Unless he is innocent and he is confident there will be no evidence found to substantiate the allegations, he really ought to get his name out of the news.
Does anyone know the name, etc. of the woman in the pro-Kavanaugh ads?
The ads are being run by Judicial Crises Network for reasons I cannot fathom, on MSNBC.
What's her story? Whose payroll is she on? Does she have a personal affinity for perjuring sexual predators?
If I was Trump's lawyer (God forbid).
I've been thinking about what advice I would give if I was Trump's lawyer. I think I have a series of steps that would work for him.
Secrecy is key. NO TWEATING. Tell no one what is going on - no one.
(1) Make a big show of removing all potential for emoluments, conflicts of interest, etc. by liquidating all businesses - the hotels, other real estate, securities, everything. Then move as quickly as possible to convert everything to cash - at fire sale costs if necessary.
(2) Keep a few hundred thousand in cash. Move as much money as possible into secure overseas accounts. Buy diamonds with the rest.
(3) Schedule a "summit" in Russia. Announce there is to be a big break through in US/Russian relations. Peace in our time - that sort of stuff.
(4) Suggest to Melania that she and Barron need to go along to see history being made. Tell the adult children and Jared you need them to go to assist in the summit. Don't forget the diamonds and cash.
(5) In route to Russia, sign pardons for the entire family, the Cabinet, staff, and anyone else that might be of interest to Mueller.
(6) Upon arrival in Moscow, find a TV camera and announce the pardons and your resignation.
(7) Send Air Force One back with any that want to go home. Recommend any considering going home to consult counsel about potential state charges before deciding.
(8) Buy a dacha on the Black Sea.
(9) Fade into history.
I think my plan works.
Somebody help my poor memory
What was the song being played as McCain's casket was being borne from the cathedral? I should know but do not.
Is there anyone to replace John McCain in the Republican party?
As often as I disagreed with John McCain, there was never any question he has a patriot. He loved his country and the Senate. He was a flawed but decent man.
When confronted with a president of his party who is neither a patriot nor a decent man, he stood up to him. He did so because he placed his country above the his party. Now, Senator McCain's party blindly follows a president to the point that it turns its back on John McCain and embraces not only an attack on our democracy but even the adversary nation that conspired, and continues to conspire, in that attack.
I hope but am not hopeful that somewhere in DC there is a republican Senator that is struck by the loss of Senator McCain and wonder if he or she should step-up and become the next real lion of the Senate - someone who puts the country and the institution of the Senate above the very short-term interests of the party.
As I say, I am not hopeful because it is difficult to be hopeful these days. Nevertheless, I will continue to hope.
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Gender: MaleHometown: Arkansas
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Member since: Mon May 15, 2017, 09:46 PM
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