Goodheart's JournalWhat I vow to say to any trumpian who starts shit with me today: WE MADE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN
WMAGA, baby!
I just broke into tears. Feels like the world has been lifted off my shoulders.
And here I am: a white male, secure financially, pretty healthy, straight, with wife and family.....
I can only imagine how the less blessed must feel.
CNN CALLS IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The big "scandal" in trumpian circles now is "the Glitch"
A technology glitch that halted voting in two Georgia counties on Tuesday morning was caused by a vendor (Dominion software) uploading an update to their election machines the night before, a county election supervisor said.
That same glitch changed votes from trump to Biden in 30 states, according to Sean Hannity. LOL
Now, isn't this something? All these years when our concerns about black box voting have been pooh-poohed by Republicans they're suddenly banking their hopes of upturning this election on the USSC agreeing that a pervasive glitch polluted it everywhere.
The other funny thing: so was this FRAUD (by a Republican vendor, no less) or just a GLITCH? Desperate people can't keep their lines of attack straight.
I understand the need to get these votes counts correct, BUT
my god.... this is like pulling teeth. HIRE MORE PEOPLE. GET MORE VOLUNTEERS.
This is ridiculous.
Upon our obvious victory let me be the first to say: NOW PUNISH HIM
Don't let him just sulk away. Don't let him skate for the "sake of reconciliation".
He MUST BE PUNISHED for the future health of this democracy. Joe, you must do what the rule of law demands and allows to make sure SHIT LIKE THE PAST FOUR YEARS can never happen again to our country.
Write a love letter to Stacey Abrams here
Dear Ms. Abrams:
I am in total awe of you. You are a model of what American (male, female, black, white, Hispanic, Latino, Native American, Asian, Polynesian, rich, poor, in between) should strive to be.
As for myself, I wish I had your smarts and your energy, which means I'd probably not be sitting here right now in adulation but out there, somewhere, doing SOMETHING to help America progress to what it's always been destined to be.
Given the Pennsylvania development, this is worth sharing
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