bluestarone's JournalQuestion to the lawyers here
What options does the House have concerning nunes? Can the House vote on a rule to shut off his microphone? The rethugs determine who is on their committees BUT surly he should be RECUSED!
Using Senate Rethuglicon rules, views and talking points
HITLER would NOT be impeached IF he were in office today! (tRUMP is our HITLER)
Simple question about this whole fucking mess.
Is tRUMP using the rethugs or are the rethugs using tRUMP?
Just thinking how important the impeachment is to us.
Put yourself in the country of Ukraine! WOW lot at stake for them! If tRUMP wins they will be thrown to the wolves. (RUSSIA)
Question on senate trial
The senate establishes the rules, so could they allow tRUMP to testify WITHOUT cross examination from ANY Democrat? (hope not)
Gym Jorden needs to be WARNED one LAST time
No more talking after gavel is struck! If he continues he should lose his questioning time!
Your thoughts here please.
After these hearings, it looks like the House is considering possibly calling OTHER witness's. Now this i'm sure won't be easy. You think courts will have to decide the subpoena issue? How long a fight will the house have in the courts? This could drag this out during election year, (which i DO NOT CARE if it does) IMPEACHMENT front and center the election year i think would be to our advantage. (could be wrong here, but that's how i feel) I fully agree with the House decision IF they choose to call everyone they want. Hell the way the hearings are going is GREAT!
Thinking here.
Ok we have been discussing different possible scenarios here. 1( tRUMP wiil resign medical reasons. 2)If he's impeached. Now i'm thinking if he resigns, pence becomes president. The house has to pass by majority vote to accept his VP pick. So while this is going forward, why couldn't the house go ahead and impeach pence?( he's been mentioned by Sondland) With NO VP, Nancy would become president right? How would this play out? ( i know the senate AGAIN will not impeach pence) BUT could make an interesting 2020 election. Would be the same if he's impeached as well. Any thoughts on this?
Just wondering if
Any of these witness's have been contacted by anybody since their closed door testimony?
Possible nightmare scenario? help me out here please!
I'm very worried that tRUMP could resign for medical reasons. (i believe under NO circumstances does he want anyone to see his taxes) i'm thinking his lawyers are telling him he will lose the taxes lawsuit. Now can someone clarify what would take place if he were to resign under these conditions? pence would become president. Would the House lose all chances of investigating the tRUMP family? What are OUR options here? TY
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