bluestarone's Journalif i had 1 wish would i wish for $1,000,000??
i honestly would rather wish for everyone involved in this bullshit trump election (i mean every dam one of them) to get there due time at the stake!!! (life without parole)
i'm tired does
anyone else just get the feeling the trump people are just causing the investigators to go in circles by the way they agree to testify the way they want! This is total bullshit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
because of trumps red line talk
i feel all the repubs should RIGHT NOW tel trump you fire Mueller we select him and trump can't fire him
why the f-ck
are the asshole republicans only invited to white house dinner for the healthcare discussion? We are paying for the Goddam meal!!
Am i crazy or what?
i feel whats going on in this country can only be explained one way? The Left Behind Movie!!! (if you've watched it) i'm not super religious BUT people are just not listening to any reasoning at all!! I just can't believe how the Russians and Republicans have this world by the balls!!! i feel the Trump crowd will start messing with the people that DO NOT support the SOB! The Republicans are absolutely amazingly agreeing to everything, The Devil has to be causing all this and we need to RESIST RESIST!! all thoughts welcomed!!
ok all is there a way
in all states to go to paper Ballots? or is this only accomplished by congress!
Are we officially allowing a traitor run our country
Man i don't believe this what does everyone think should be done about this???
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