Thomas Hurt
Thomas Hurt's JournalSerious Question: What are the odds the nutjob tries to declare himself President for life...
in the next day or two.
Per NPR this morning....
an impeached President, who has overseen a pandemic incompetently, 200K plus dead, rampant corruption, who is a pathological liar and utterly amoral etc. has had an......."unconventional presidency". (rolls eyes)
Voted this morning...
Got there 30 minutes early and I was 12th in line. By 5 of the start time the cars and people were swarming in.
No Trumpers trying to stir up people. Everyone wearing a mask.
45 minutes all in, including the wait time.
Fuck Trump
Was just on The Hill, some of the christofascists have already written off Donnie...
and of course liberals murdered him. New comments are loading at one every two seconds. They are freaking out.
If the rat bastard dies, he will be an instant martyr for RWNJs
What are the odds, that Trump will suffer any symptoms from CV?
I am not up on this information. What does his positive test actually mean? Nothing? Doesn't matter because it will all be covered up?
Basically a month before, the election the sitting President comes down with this bug, and it could cause more chaos than the fool wanted.
Can he do his job, such as it were? Will Pence have to step in.
Regardless of you sympathy or lack thereof for Trump, this could be one big mess.
A taste of the christofascist response to Rittenhouse's arrest...
Right wing poster on the Hill:
"A 17 year old kid dropped 3 domestic terrorist, two of them while He was on the ground being attacked."
Kyle Rittenhouse is a race hero to conservatives in the country.
Okay, where is the major annoucement that was supposed to happen today that Donnie won't like?
Was it the Trump spawn being sued?
Everyone ready for the Robert Trump funeral and presidential campaign rally this weekend?
Do you think there will be hamberderz? I am expecting a trainwreck.
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