Thomas Hurt
Thomas Hurt's JournalRemember the CO County Clerk who is being investigated for breaching election security?
The Pillowfool is saying he is hiding her...
The Negligent Suicide Grift in six easy steps
Ignore science and doctors
Test God
Get the VID
Wait for God to save you, if you get better well that is good, if you don't...
Then play the victim and con people by asking for prayers, pity and money.
Die and own the libs!
It occured to me that the CRT whining is just retaliation for statue removal.
I think it just took the christofascists some time to find the right target.
I was just thinking, maybe it is time for a US Slavery History Month. June, of course.
Let's push back some.
What you think folks? Is Allen Weisselberg going to talk or go down like a loyal mafiaoso?
"Department of Community Solutions and Public Safety" - Ithaca NY Police Reform Proposal a conservative talks about reconciliation, unity, fidelity or healing...blah, blah, blah
it is the same as a rapist telling his victim to just lay back and enjoy it.
The right wing in this country is only interested in trying to play us with such noble terms but they don't mean them.
Since the cabinet members are fleeing, who votes on the 25th Amendment challenge? (if there is one)
Do their deputies step up even though the Pig has not named anyone?
What you think the odds that the Justices dismiss the case without saying or writing one word....
about how egregious or dangerous this Texas case is?
Anyone know if a Presidential campaign can file for bankruptcy?
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Member since: Wed Mar 8, 2017, 12:59 PMNumber of posts: 13,931