Sculpin Beauregard
Sculpin Beauregard's JournalGirls Who Code CEO has some words for Ughvaaahhhnka's not dementia, it's pure, animal panic
this is interesting, from Keith Olbermann:
Ooo, this is good! Watch Colbert eviscerate Cheeto!!
Scroll down for video. Colbert no-holds-barred. It's a thing of beauty. Pure catharsis!
Isn't Bannon ex-Navy? Can't he be court-martialed down the road for
his role in trying to destroy the constitution?
The divide and conquer posts are out full force
Things to think twice about wasting time on:
Obama's speaking fees (a total non-issue, who cares)
Warren said this or that (note that there is a billionaire backed GOP smear campaign aimed at her right now).
Bernie's purity (enough pixels wasted on this to sink a ship).
It's Hillary's fault for XYZ issue (so tired of these - and they are so unproductive).
Feel free to add to this list, but know that the trolls are out to divide and distract.
Mother Jones: Wanna know how deep in debt Trump is? END TRUMP ORG'S corporate charter
Illegitimate money laundering org should not stand as a legal corporation.
Info at link in tweet
Robert Mercer's 7 Billion tax evasion is why
we have Bannon, Conway, and Sessions in WH. Flynn was his guy too. IRS is after him.
No more billionaire money corrupting politics, people. This has to end.
Canada loves you, America! Check out
all the Canucks singing Star Spangled Banner at this hockey game, in Edmonton, Alberta.
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Member since: Sat Mar 4, 2017, 08:49 PMNumber of posts: 1,046