gibraltar72's JournalVaxxers Anonymous
I live in a small south central Mi. county hard by Midvale College. 20% of our residents have gotten Covid 167 of my neighbors have succumbed to its ravages. We have had piss poor leadership since it started. in the early stages Midvale didn't openly report their numbers and refused to follow health department guidelines. Even our hospital which incidentally is run by a Midvale graduate was tardy in taking it seriously. To illustrate how fucked up we are the hospital has said if afraid of the social stigma of being seen at a vaccination site they have a number you can call for a private vax. Yeah that is how fucked up my county is. Mostly but not totally because of influence of Midvale College.
So the FBI does a phone interview of the Vice Chair of the Hillsdale Mi. Republican party.
Said Vice chair was confronted with fact that on tape he said he had a gun at the insurrection. He was defiant instead of helpful. Asked the agent what kind of gun was it. He was a smartass to agent who told him you have confessed to a federal crime. He then repeatedly challenged the agent to prove it. Agent ended the call. I'm sure there is more. I hear other officers of the party are being more cooperative.
This Article shows what we are going through in Michigan Re Covid.
Myself and friends are quoted regards Hillsdale County. Author just informed that PBS. US News And World Report and others are picking it up.
Anyone know what's going on in Oklahoma regards todays death count?
1point3 acres shows 1716 new deaths today. Worldometers shows no report from Oklahoma. If I were guessing Oklahoma got caught cooking the books. That is an awful lot of deaths to be reclassified.
I have rightly been called out by a lady on my Facebook group.
She objected to my saying Gaetz had sex with underage girls. She gently stated that this is understating that he had sex with children. I have promised to do better. I think she was correct.
So the Covid relief bill would have passed on Saturday if Ron Johnson hadn't tried to slow it down.
He's really bad at his job.
Regarding ACA. Anyone have any idea how one can get an online quote without getting
endless phone calls? Every link I've tried ends up with e mail or phone number required. I just want to see rates and plans.
Just got my 2nd dose of vaccine. Got card to prove it.
Now all I need is my rabies shot and I can get license.
Watching a report last night from Texas, they showed union workers going door to door.
They were showing people how to shut their water off. I was struck by how shallow the valves and inlet pipes are. Didn't look like more than a foot or 18 inches. To weatherize that system would be monumental task. Also they showed many buildings where there were outside supplies that looked like common old PVC. I'm guessing if they do it right it will take years.
Houston. Rover has landed. I repeat Rover has landed.
The Mars probe was successful also.
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