gibraltar72's JournalNeed some help from the intelligence and wit that abounds here.
I'm going to have some t shirts made at a local shop. They are running a special nothing fancy just a couple lines. I live in a pretty red area and want to convey a message. Right now my line is, Hey IQ45 Mueller knows everything. But I'd like to hear some from DUers before I make a final decision. Let me hear yours.
My published LTE. Hard by Hillsdale College.
I have written many letters over the years but never about religion. I have steered clear for several reasons, but mostly because I am a recovering Evangelical. It is a long story and I won't get in to that here. To sum up I just couldn't hate enough, I guess. I have been puzzled for over a year, I assume there are still some good "christians". Why are they not attempting to reclaim their brand? The humanitarian crisis in our country right now has forced some to speak. I believe the Baptists just said they have made a mistake being a one party church and want to be more inclusive. The Methodists made a statement regarding tearing children away from their parents. The Catholic church has been decrying this for some time.
In the meantime professed christians Jeffrey Beauregard Sessions and Sarah Huckabee Sanders wave the holy book and take scripture out of context to excuse human rights violations in our country. Reaching back in my memory hole I seem to remember these same people uttering something about Gods law superceding mans law. As a child I won many contests in sunday school and church that we called bible drill. I still remember many verses. But I don't remember the one where Jesus said Suffer the little children to come unto me. So I can kidnap and hold them hostage so I can build a wall. Of course I admit my memory isn't what it once was.
If you went to church today and the message wasn't about the attrocities that are being committed in your name you are in the wrong church. If it was and you didn't feel uncomfortable in your pew you are in the wrong country. On a positive note the Whitehouse job fair went pretty well. They hired a German translator to transcribe some texts from Germany circa 1930 to about 1945.
My call to Republican congressmans office.
Thought I'd share the experience I had this morning. I called my congressman POS Tim Walberg Mi. 07. lady that answered was very helpful if you didn't want answers that is. I said I had two questions. The first was what was his position on kidnapping and torturing children? She asked what my second question was. I replied I know Walberg claims to be a Christian what denomination would that be and what is their stance on the issue. She informed me she couldn't tell me what his stance was or his religious beliefs. I then asked if she was refusing to answer? She replied she was. She then asked if she could help me with anything else.
Since that time I went to his facebook page and asked him if the Kochs or any of their tentacle organizations told him what he thinks to get back to me. I don't expect to hear from him.
I am seeing something I've never seen before
South Central Michigan snow flakes 3 inches in diameter. I've seen lots of snow storms. But this is spectacular. They have been relatively huge all day. Last 30 minutes have really been something.
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