gibraltar72's JournalFeds ship 22,000 non functioning masks to Michigan
Bridge magazine reports 22,000 masks were destroyed after 2,000 were found to be faulty. They report similar incidents have occurred in other states.
Michigan not much good news here Looks like 166 new deaths.
2 in my county the little Trump loving hellhole. 27,000 plus cases now.
As I predicted in posts some days ago Trump announced he will use Medical supplies
to bludgeon Governors to reopen way to early. This was the game all along. Steal the supplies so he could dole them out as he saw fit. His transparent tweet confirms that. Nice state you got there be ashamed if something happened to it.
Michigan numbers better again today with a caveat.
95 new deaths. 645 new cases. However Michigan site says new cases might mean less weekend activity in private testing facilities. Weekends have shown drop offs before. I'll take it as good news none the less.
Coumos presser. Thought it was masterful.
Starts off saying this isn't political. Then several times he said regarding reopening. If you didn't tell me there was a problem in January or February, how can I trust you to tell me if there is a problem in the future. Also he worked in the phrase that Bush mangled so badly. Fool me once. I also thought his statement about trying to reopen the economy without New York being absurd. I took it as a shot across the bow of the Trumptanic. Anyone have thoughts on this/
Michigan number looking terrible again. over 200 new deaths.
Meanwhile they are trying to recall that woman from Michigan for closing factories.
Re Lincoln Project I'd like input from others
I have been tempted to throw a few bucks their way. I think they have some of the best stuff out there against Trump. However I pull up short when I remember who they were before Trump and what they'll be after. Is anyone on here donating to them? And what are your thoughts on the subject?
Today in sports on our local radio station it was reported that Tiger Woods
shot 14 under par at Pebble Beach. In his mind.
According to Mrs Gibraltar Gretchen just pissed off a whole bunch of people.
She says that Motorcycle riding is not essential. Bicycles are OK cause that's exercise. I rode motorcycles for 54 years until I knew it wasn't wise anymore. Other than long days in the saddle there really isn't much physical action on a bike so I agree with her. Let's get people to do what's necessary and get through this ASA reasonably P.
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