gibraltar72's JournalWe have pushed past the Viet Nam war dead today.
Our numbers in Mi. very bad again today 160 new deaths, even as Republicans are fighting that woman from Michigan. My hotspot another 4 cases still at 16 deaths as of 11:00 AM. It looks like nations totals are going to be pretty big today. Polls show people want to feel safe before lockdowns end. What the hell Are these R Governors thinking? Lots of new cases in Grand Rapids area.
Worldometers shows Indiana really paying the Trump tax today.
As a neighboring state I kind of keep track of them. They are showing 119 new deaths today. That is a huge jump.
Looks as if Michigans number yesterday was a sucker hole.
New deaths up to 92. my little hotspot 1 new case 2 new deaths. brings us to 16. with only 114 cases we have a horrendous rate. People getting concerned because the Christstains around Grand Rapids are getting sick and dying. Even though we are rural we should be the last place to open. IMHO.
A glimmer of good news from Michigan only 41 new deaths.
New case count is low but historically is on weekends so not jubillant about that yet. My little slice of heaven 4 new cases no new deaths so we are at 113 cases and 4 deaths.
Frau Birx exhibited displeasure that media was still talking about disinfectant.
Perhaps they should be talking about it's one person from China, It's totally under control, One day poof it will just blow away, it will all be gone in April, everyone who wants a test can get a test. How is she helping?
So all probabilities are that by Monday we will be at Viet Nam level.
Let that sink in. Nearly at 55,000 right now. Let every Trumper hear that loud and clear. C 20 the new Trump version is killing us.
Michigan still getting hammered. 189 new deaths
Fewer new cases but that is usually a false indicator on weekends. My little hotspot up to 14 deaths that's plus one. Cases still at 109. I think the protesting cry babies are in a distinct minority even here reasonable people exist.
There are greater minds on here than I. So if I'm wrong please tell me re C 19
As I was listening to a panel of Doctors this morning a couple things stood out. It wasn't what they said exactly more what they didn't say. I made some inferences. They said C 19 we are experiencing has exhibited great differences from other nations. Two examples were its ability to kill children and younger adults. The second thing was the clotting and strokes. My inference from this is because of delay in addressing it has mutated. Perhaps we are dealing with C 19 and C 20. Any thoughts appreciated.
Ok maybe it's just me but I think I'd trade a Space Force
for a good pandemic team right about now. Hell I'd even throw in a jack knife to boot.
I talk about my little Mi. county on here a lot. Now I'm not saying,
just saying. We had a contingent that protested last week at Capitol in Lansing. Sign guy was one of mine. Anyhow I have told you we were a hotspot. Yesterday 99 cases today 109. Also reported a bar and grill where our Toe Taggers hang out made 75 burger baskets for the frontline doctors nurses etc. We get news today one of the workers didn't feel well and has tested positive. Looks like sometimes even trying to do good turns out horribly.
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