gibraltar72's JournalWith new deaths over 2,000 today I see Indiana and Ohio are paying the Trump tax
today. That low count yesterday was what Willard Scott referred to as a sucker hole.
Michigan new deaths 86. approach 44,000 cases.
My little hotspot still at 131 but 3 new deaths, total 21. Reporting was late because of a software malfunction that aggregates and accumulates the data. I have suspicions testing numbers may be updated at a future date.
Just watched this on you tube. This guy is good
Regarding a wall for the victims and related stuff.
Another grim day in Mi. and my little hot spot
Another 155 new deaths in state. Approx. 1,000 new cases. 5 more cases in my hotspot. 1 more death. Our totals now are 132 cases 18 deaths. That is almost 14%. I'm sure the idiots and their protesting have no clue what they've done. On a brighter note a neighbor about ten houses away, out here that's 3/4 mile. was first to come off a ventillator at local hospital and survive.
A heads up on what's going on in Michigan.
Mrs. Gibraltar just told me the mayor of our little hotspot has stated on his facebook page that the city will open up for business tomorrow. We have 17 dead in county. It is obvious he has told businesses that there will be no local enforcement. I just sent AG an e mail. I am afraid these scofflaws are going to make our sacrifices all in vain.
Simple question re. Trump thank me dammit, IRS letters
Are we returning them to IRS or whitehouse??
Looks like Indiana paid the Trump tax again today. Think they had 151 new deaths.
I had seen video of Indianapolis nurses saying how bad it was getting. But I think they've been over a hundred twice this week.
Just watched Lincoln Project ad on You Tube. I was pleased but surprised
they are going after Republican Senators. It would appear they want big changes. Collins should be very worried as should Gardner, and Tillis.
While terrorists spread a deadly virus in Michigan
New numbers come in 119 new deaths just under 1,000 new cases. My county adds 4 more cases death toll still at 17.
Another not so great day in Michigan 103 new deaths.
My little slice of heaven 121 total cases that's plus 3. 1 new death total of 17. Hard by Hillsdale College where they know how to take care of inconvenient women. Just got word a local lawyer is handling a Royal Oak womans lawsuit against that woman from Michigan because she couldn't travel.
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