gibraltar72's JournalIt would appear that the response to excess force by police in police forces across
the nation is more force and more violence. I have read stories and watched videos this morning that sicken me. Reporters being deliberately attacked. Residents attacked on their porch. A cache of supplies for peaceful protesters destroyed by cops. Years ago I watched a gang of cops go out of control at the Indy 500 as more cops arrived it just became a gang. The two people who had started the whole thing had deescalated it when the first cops arrived, but the cops made it worse and started using their truncheons.
The cops are making a statement right now. That is "We don't want to change" They like their power and by God they are gonna keep it. With riot gear on they are practically unidentifiable so what the hell they can even flash white power signs just to make sure you get the message. Mayors better get on this and fast. If they care at all.
I must be so proud. The Washington post included my little hell hole
in it's reporting of rural hotspots. They highlighted how the Sons of McVeigh were defying orders and fomenting protests. My county has about a 14% kill rate top 5 in Michigan. No adjoining county is anywhere near that.
It would appear the CDC is cooking the numbers so badly now
that 1point3acres is nearly useless. They are steadily falling behind Worldometers in total US deaths. I believe it is about 2,000 at this point. I've noticed it steadily grow since about Monday or Tuesday. Have others noticed the change also. There have always been variations, but this seems pronounced.
Does anyone have a link handy that shows the calendar of Trump golfing
and holding Klan rallies. In February/ March?
Shit. Shit, Shit. Michigan nudges over 5,000 total deaths.
Another bad day in the mitten. 102 new deaths. 1 in my little rural hotspot making 24 total out of 165 cases. We now stand at 5017 deaths. Not sure what zone my hotspot is but we should be last to open up based on our death percentage.
Is the CDC already cooking the numbers for Cheetolinini?
Worldometers is over 92,000 US deaths. 1point3acres isn't to 91,000. I don't believe I've ever seen this big a gap. Anyone else noting this?
One at a time. A ray of sunshine from Florida.
An old friend and classmate called from Florida to talk to my wife today. Mrs. Gibraltar has pretty much stayed away from politics with her. She says I love her too much to lose her friendship. Anyhow today she says I love your Governor I just sent her a note telling her that. This lady had been toting the line that the dirty New Yorkers had brought it to Florida when DeSantis sorta closed the northern border for show. Mrs Gibraltar sensing an opening said I hated the way Trump attacked Governor Whitmer. Friend replied that was last straw, Trump left us in harms way. I'll not vote for him again. She went on to say she didn't know who she would vote for but she knew who she wouldn't. We win the hard right crazies one at a time.
It was totally 100% Gretchen Whitmers fault
According to Kim Gibbs Royal Oak Mi. city commissioner who is running for reelection. That is what she told the council when they moved to censure her for her behavior at a liberate Mi. rally in Lansing. They agreed she had the right to protest. Her claim was that everyone that was going to get C 19 already had and everyone that hadn't wasn't going to get it. it was criminal to keep people from working. However reporting showed her without mask and not social distancing and she was censured for this behavior.
She liked her argument so much that she tried it again a few days later when she was arrested by Royal Oak police for retail fraud at a Meijers store. Seems she did the old one for you two for me scan at the self checkout. Her version of buy one get two free. She told police she had to choose between buying insulin and food because of Mean old Gretchen Whitmer. She said after she paid for the insulin she had little money left so naturally. She told police she just wanted and needed to return to her job as an ATTORNEY. I'm guessing Michigan bar might have more to say about that than mean old Gretchen.
Hoping against hope in Michigan.
133 new deaths shown today. I am hoping it is an adjustment for previous deaths that have just now been found to be from C19. If not we certainly haven't turned a corner. We are nearing 5,000 deaths. Dam I just feel gutted.
Channel 53 ABC Lansing Mi. Reporting AG Nessel and other lawmakers have gotten serious and verified
threats of violence after saying firearms can be banned from State capitol.
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