gibraltar72's JournalMean while in S.C. Michigan the school that Law And Order dubbed Midvale College
is bringing up to 3,000 people to town despite health departments wishes. The wholly owned city council and police department signed off on it. I'm not shocked, the college has the sweetest scam of any small college going. Betting this weekend will be a bonanza in contributions. I hope they don't donate the crud from the states they come from. We have plenty of our own. Students were out on break mostly, when Mi. issued closure orders. Being the assholes they are they asked students not to return. They stated it was their decision because Gretchen didn't have the authority to tell them what to do. So here we are. The local authorities have handled this whole thing abysmally from the beginning. First defying public meeting ban then telling local merchants they could stay open. Mayor has also encouraged known risky behaviors.
Apparently yesterday Health Dept visited some. businesses that weren't enforcing the mask rule. I think most got warnings but a gym was shut down. Mayor spent the day on facebook whining that the Health Department was just being vindictive because we have freedom here. A couple businesses closed themselves down for weekend probably because they didn't want the rich college trash bringing them an unexpected gift. I reminded the Mayor that he had painted the target on the merchants back with his actions and words. Haven't heard a word from him.
I previously posted about my phone banking experiences these were different.
Last night I was calling voters in 7th district of Mi. Something happened twice last night that made me think beyond politics. I called a listed 65 year old woman a man answered. I asked for her and he said she isn't here. I then said are you her husband, he replied partner for 25 years. I said that's the same thing to me do you have a minute to talk. He then said to me she passed away from early onset dementia. She made it to 65 I'm 69 and always thought I'd go first. I of course was stunned but he needed to say that to someone. I offered my condolence and we just talked for a bit no politics. He just shared his grief. I just felt as if I was supposed to get that number.
Second experience I call a 59 year old lady. She answers and I introduce my self and tell her why I am calling ask if she's got a minute to talk. She says just a minute then says my son is dying of virus this very minute. Again I am stunned I tell her how sorry I am then tell her I know how she feels having lost a son, I am in tears at this point. She consoles me. I say this is no time to talk politics. We both cry a little I wish her the best and we say goodbye. I end my shift 15 minutes early i am emotionally drained but so glad I got those numbers rather than someone else.
In a perfect metaphor Trump 2020
NASCAR truck finishes 35th after spinning out all by itself on track at Kentucky. I believe it was actually in last place on track of those still running.
Change is in the air. My personal observation.
For the last 4 weeks I've been phone banking for Mi. Democratic party and Gretchen Driskell for Mi. 7th district. A little background I have done phone banking starting with John Kerry and moving forward. Yesterday I had a shift that was much different than 4 weeks ago. It is part of the gig to get the phone slammed in your ear after you introduce yourself. Some will say I'm a Republican some will think it a good time to argue. That is all part of it and I'm used to it. You live for the next call that lifts your spirit. I had voters basically in Hillsdale and Branch County Mi. I got some enthusiastic Dems. Some that are kinda mad at the party but are still on board. The surprise was how many said I'm a Republican, but I've had enough. We of course have a script. I learned a long time ago in sales you only talk until the person on the other ends starts talking, then you listen, interject when the other person stops talking but talk about what they want to talk about. Two of the had enough Republicans were all in on Joe but asked about down ballot ticket not knowing who was running. I then got to tell them the R Senate candidate was 2000 percent behind Trump. They both knew R congressional candidate wanted to do away with ACA. But didn't know much about Gretchen Driskell. I of course got to educate them about her. Also got to tell about my history with Walberg. Voters would rather hear why you are in than go through a script with you. All in all best phone gig I've had since campaigning for Obama the first time.
Anyone have a site they use for GPS coordinates? Been down about 16 rabbit holes.
Want you to join etc. My branch of the Sons Of McVeigh Want to march on Lansing again to fight tyranny. Thought perhaps I could give them a better place to focus.
NASCAR stands tall today. I've been around or involved in racing in various capacapities my adult
Life. I have never seen racing stand taller than today. I have beefs with them but today led first by the young drivers NASCAR did a beautiful job. If you can see at least the start You'll cry.
A couple random thoughts for what Mayor Bowser and Jamie Harrison should do.
First Mayor Bowser should rename and paint every street around Trumps playpen. Something that will really get under his skin. I have a few ideas I'd like to hear yours. I think Jamie Harrison should go up with an announcement regarding Rumors about his opponent saying he isn't going to campaign on that issue. That his opponents Choices should be respected and it's nobodies business but Lindseys. Get it out there and let it marinate.
I am not a lawyer, but i have watched all the Matlock reruns
Tell me why this wouldn't work. It was reported that New York pays from 200 million to 300 million a year in court judgments for excessive force cases etc. Why when cases are filed shouldn't the Cop unions or Federations as Minny. is called. be named as co defendant. Citing the culture they have created and encourage. I say that being as strong a union man as there is.
A poem composed as I mindlessly mowed two acres. whattta ya think?
An Ode ious
The two girls I really love
gave me a little shove.
We know what would be a very good look,
But first we have to find that, that you know that book
First we'll tear gas them in the church.
That will help us sell more merch.
Then what would be really neat
is beat the press and peaceful in the street.
If the protesters still want to stay out after dark
we'll bayonet them in the park.
We don't see how this plan can go wrong
and after this you'll look super strong.
If our expectations it doesn't meet
You can go back to the bunker and tweet.
At least one Trumper has said No Mas.
I comment on a local forum. The dude that runs it probably leans a little right but it is for locals only. You have to prove you have some tie to the community. not actually live here but have a familiarity. They have you answer three questions about the area. I had to think a little cause one was a local advertising jingle from probably 20 years ago. Anyhow I did the bunker thing last night. The first response was the people that should be looking for a bunker are O bam bam and Hillarybitch. I lit him up pretty good and said he had a rich imagination then explained 40% won't carry the day for Trump. When I got up this morning there were some responses several positive. Some bemoaning Joe being the one. And then mid morning a die hard Trumper posts Pence 2020. I chuckled and replied that might have worked six months in if you dumped Trump but it's too late for that. I was pretty shocked that he would leave the cult. I'll take it as a positive.
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