disalitervisum's JournalIt's just what they wanted because now they don't have to commit
to anything. that's what having no vote at all means. Not one single congressman has to go on the record.
I think that's a problem for our form of government. I think more voting, not less, is the answer.
That's very interesting, I'm reading
Dark Money by Jane Mayer right now. The Koch Brothers certainly need more attention. Don't you think they ordered the bill to be pulled so their members wouldn't have to commit themselves?
true, and will that make a difference
in the gerrymandered districts? And heres' trump on tv denigrating everything again.
yes I agree, but how
do we get the message across that the "whole" is the problem? and do you think that the individual commitment is unimportant come election time?
It's just what they wanted, no vote means not one
single congressman has to go on record or commit to anything. Wonderful.
No vote means no one on the record
Not one single congressman now has to commit to anything. It's just what they wanted.
Exactly right, if only
people knew and believed real history instead of the myths. The lid was off, the precinct sent out the sheet that day. And the ATC strikebreaking cemented the deal.
A Brief History of the Reagan Years
Unfettered free-market capitalism, (also known as neo-liberalism) trickle-down, supply-side, voodoo economics, savings and loan bailout (sound familiar?) financial services implosions and explosions, slash taxes, increase defense spending, cut social services, privatize government, destroy the middle class, transfer of all wealth to the wealthy.
Because the Koch brothers want it this way
There's a lot of talk here about why we as a nation have come to the point where compassion and humanity have been abandoned in favor of the pursuit of wealth and power, and how our government seems unable to act in the best interests of the people.
The trump sideshow continues, the Russians, the wiretap thing, the outrageous tweets, the seemingly constant blundering of the administration with regard to foreign policy, etc., etc., etc., yes, everybody loves to watch a train wreck, don't they.
Meanwhile, the Koch brothers and their virtually invisible underground network of hard-core free-market billionaires and donors have worked incessantly, concertedly, and unrelentingly for many tears to disconnect themselves from the realities that govern everyday life for ordinary people and bring about an alternate state which provides safety and security for their class and no one else.
We are witnessing the full implementation of the Koch agenda, and at the moment it is not too much of a stretch to say that the capital of the United States has been relocated. It now resides in Wichita, Kansas, the headquarters of Koch Industries.
Every small town (and big town) local media outlet and newspaper across the country
today is leading with "fake news" about the republican healthcare bill. Every one. Sad.
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Member since: Tue Jan 10, 2017, 07:24 PMNumber of posts: 470