disalitervisum's JournalThere's an adult dick on Katy Tur right now
trying to justify child molestation in defense of conservative politics. Someone named sam nunberg. Yuck.
Why does the fate of my country rest on pedophilia and high-school yearbooks?
Fuck This.
This person, janet porter,is insane
Things to know about janet porter.
the quintessential conservative christian nationalist fearmonger
They are afraid of progress, they are afraid of women, and most especially they are afraid of being human. They spread their ideology by making others afraid. That's the only weapon they have.
William F. Buckley's definition of a conservative: Someone who stands athwart of history and yells STOP!
Trump and Christian Nationalist Voters: Theocracy at any price
This is from a series of research papers on the subject of Christian Nationalism. The quoted paragraphs are from a working paper entitled "Make America Christian Again: Christian Nationalism and Voting for Donald Trump in the 2016 Election.
"...The paper, if proven accurate through peer review, provides a plausible explanation for why conservative Christian voters that champion sexual piety would ultimately embrace a candidate caught bragging about sexual assault: Modern American Christian nationalism, while attached to Christian identity, is more about country than faith.
This brand of religious nationalism appears to be unmoored from traditional Christian ideals and morality, and also inclined toward authoritarian figures. Ironically, Christian nationalism is focused on preserving a perceived Christian identity for America irrespective of the means by which such a project would be achieved."
think progress.org/christian-nationalism-religion-research-b8f9cdc16239/
I don't know if this has been here before, I found it through a link on Right Wing Watch, and felt it might be germane to the discussion.
Nicole just said pence's ability to know nothing is the 8th wonder of the world.
I like them both, I think Jake is just as pissed as Nicole, it's just presented in his own style.
our cocksucking asslicker president
has 16 or 17 businesses operating in China. EVERYTHING THIS PRICK DOES IS A CON. Doesn't everyone get this yet? There is nothing this bloodsucker cares about but himself. Nothing.
Not my intention to yell at you, iscooterliberally, it's just my frustration showing.
While I appreciate the sentiment, don't hurry, please take the time
to dot every "i" and cross every "t" so this festering pus-bucket of maggots can be completely destroyed, and we can be rid of it forever.
Not surprising, since the Kansas state capitol is actually
in Wichita, at the Kock Brothers headquarters. I think that's the capitol of the whole country now.
How will the father of a 14 year old daughter
who supports moore explain this situation and justify his position to his daughter when she is 18?
If he tells her, "they just don't want to believe that god is in charge," well, there's the whole planet's problem in eleven words.
Hopefully, he won't start the conversation with the phrase "other than being with someone underage..."
Is it possible to give fathers in Alabama the benefit of the doubt?
This is repulsive.
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Member since: Tue Jan 10, 2017, 06:24 PMNumber of posts: 470