Butterflylady's JournalSeems like we keep banging our heads up against a wall.
And we are getting nowhere. So I want to know why the guy who helped with writing Project 2025 is going to sue the democratic party if Joe is not the party nominee.
Does Trump know something we don't? I know that's stupid question, but there is so much their not telling us. We, as American voters need to know.
Putin is doing a good job of dividing us.
Who do you think gets the most reward out of what is going on with some democrats wanting Biden to step down. Well if you guessed Putin, you are right. These polling numbers make me suspicious. Do pollsters know who their calling? How do they get their lists of Who to call? How could Trump be so far ahead when we know he only has his base?
Something else that bothers me is that Trump and the Heritage Foundation are so confident they'll win. Heck, their even naming names of Who they'll put in various positions. That Project 2025 would scare most of the
voters, but they don't seem to care.
It's like those who say 'just follow the money' when they want to know something. Instead it's 'follow the trolls or the hackers.' Something has them running scared. I want to know what that is.
Biden must not step down, because he can win this election, otherwise, God help us all.
My humblest gratitude for the 💙 s.
Since this is Black History month
I am going to tell you what I'm doing for my bi- racial granddaughter.
Her mother, my daughter, is white and her father is black. I want her to know both cultures she comes from. To me that is very important. Since this CRT has been in the news and a lot of books are being banned, I have been buying books and reading them on slavery. So far I have around 20 books and keep my eye out for whatever I can find on this subject. I also started collecting stories on native Americans and how disgraceful they were treated.
When my granddaughter is old enough to fully understand I will give her what I have collected so she understands what happened fully. And I will discuss the with her and what I have learned from them.
On my part of reading these books, I can faithfully say what I learned from them makes me ashamed of what this country did during that period of time and beyond. Please don't get me wrong, I love my country and the majority of people here are good people. We will always have bad apples so to speak but knowing what happened is to me the most important part.
Now I fully understand why some do not wanf CRT taught. The TRUTH hurts!
The republican primary voters have to be ......
The dumbest people to actually think the candidates they voted for could possibly win the 2022 race for governor and senate. All the money that they spent was on losers from the very beginning.
Interesting fact......
Fetterman won all 67 counties Pennsylvania I hope the PA DNC takes note. They are out of step with what PA voters want.
Note: I do not know how to place link.
Why I'm voting for John Fetterman in PA's primary.
First of all let me state that I have always been a Fetterman supporter. Now my reason along with my story.
Pennsylvania has a rent rebate for qualified residents of which I am one. My income qualifies me for a $500.00 rebate which helps me tremendously.
Last year with help of a friend, I filled out the required paperwork and sent it along with other required income papers and a certification from company that owns the building I live in as to how much I paid in rent to them for the year 2020. All of this was done by the end of February in plenty of time for them to process my claim so I would get my money on July 1, 2021.
Around the end of April I received a letter from the state department that issues the rent rebates telling me that certain information was missing from certification paper from the company that I rented from and I should send that in or fax them the needed information so they could process my claim. I immediately took the letter from them to the resident manager asking to have her fax the missing information and I would send a hard copy of missing information also. After this was done I was satisfied that I would receive my rebate from the state.
July 1st came and went and I did not receive the rebate money. I thought well it's taking longer because of the missing information and so I wasn't too worried although I was disappointed it was taking so long.
Then, about the middle of September I received a letter stating that I was not getting the rebate money because I had not sent in the missing information. I was so angry I was spitting nails. The letter also said I could file an appeal in the next 30 days. So I went to the website that was states in the letter to file an appeal. Once I clicked on the website the info to file an appeal was so confusing to me that I just broke down and cried. I am not that smart when it comes to certain things so I just gave up vowed that next year when I file for the rebate I will make sure all the info is complete.
So now in 2022 I received my rent rebate form I'm still upset about last year's rebate money that I start thinking there has to be someone that can help me. Now both my state rep.and my federal rep are republicans so they are both useless and they are orange face supporters.
I'm guessing by now you realize who I turn to for help, yep, I emailed our democratic Lt. Governor, John Fetterman. That was about 1 month ago that I told him my story of what happened to me and my rent rebate.
I am happy to say 2020 rent rebate money is now in my bank account and I am sending the Fetterman campaign a contribution. And that's one of the many reasons I am voting for a man that wants to help those of us that may not count to others but counts to him. He is a man of the people.
I am proof that being vaxed and boosted work.
My daughter tested positive for covid last Monday. I was with her for 3 hours last Sunday. We hugged kissed and talked side by side. Yes, she has been vaxed but no booster and is doing great. Yes she is in quarantine with only minor symptoms.
I am fine and am living proof that vaccines and boosters work.
My belief
The one thing in this world that I truly believe is the truth always wins in the end. Yes it is true that a lie will be half way around the world before the truth gets it's pants on, but it does get it's pants on and when it does it spares no one. The end for trump and his gang of enablers will not be pretty. Trump started this and it will end with him.
It was long time before people came to understand who what Hitler was, but it did come and the end was not pretty.
Got my second covid vaccine yesterday.
Felt good when I woke up, but suddenly seem to be very, very tied and achey. Took my tramadol that my pain doctor prescribed for my chronic back pain. I hope that's all of the side effects for me. I feel very lucky.
Profile Information
Gender: FemaleHometown: Lebanon, PA
Home country: United States
Member since: Thu Jan 5, 2017, 09:00 AM
Number of posts: 3,854