HopeAgain's JournalThere is only one argument in support of Franken
That the allegations are not credible. PERIOD. Any other argument does not work or is hypocritical.
I am hearing the same people who told Moore supporters that this is politics and not a court of law now say Franken deserves due process. If Franken wants due process he will get it, by the way.
I am hearing people say that Republicans get away with it. That's the worse argument yet; should we speed the degradation of politics along it's way?
I am hearing that the bigger progressive goals are too important to hold an individual responsible for harrassing behavior. Really? The end justify the means? If we don't hold to our principles, how are we better?
Almost everyone pointing out that the taking the moral high ground isn't helping us. Don't people understand that if we don't hold onto the very best we can, than those who don't will only drag us down more easily? I believe we are in the middle of a huge political backlash right now. Moore, Trump and company are the result of those who have held privilege acting out of fear of losing it. But the arc of progressivism is still climbing over the long haul. In fits and starts, sure. There will be backsliding, but how far back actually depends on how hard we hold on to those principles that move us upward.
So for me, the only argument I will only listen to is that the allegations are not credible. Everything else is hypocracy.
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