MichMary's JournalThe "Values" Voters Summit
is cheering a man who cheated on his wives, sexually harassed women, and has cheated employees. What kind of values do they actually believe in?
Quote from The Orange One re: Puerto Rice
"This is an island. Surrounded by water."
What a doofus!
Scalise is back
Speaking on the House floor now. Thanked God, the Capitol police, the docs, the public.
Tragedy: Eric Bolling Son Dies
https://www.mediaite.com/online/tragedy-eric-bolling-son-dies/It's being reported that it was a suicide. Regardless of how you feel about Bolling, no parent should ever have to go through this. Very sad news.
Gov. Scott offering
police escorts to evacuate gas station employees in order to keep stations open as long as possible.
Re: ACA. Now what?
There are serious issues with this law. High (and rising) premiums, astronomical deductibles, docs refusing ACA coverage, etc.
Realistically, how will this be fixed with the Rs in charge?
Second Congressman shot
Rep. Roger Williams was also shot. Haven't heard anything about his condition.
Kathy Griffin in a new GOP ad
New GOP TV ad features Kathy Griffin
A Republican Super PAC has found a new way to target Democratic candidates: Kathy Griffin.
A new ad uses the controversial comedian to criticize Democrat Jon Ossoff, saying her recent controversial actions are part of a pattern of behavior from liberal extremists who now support the House candidate running in Georgias 6th Congressional District.
And now, she plans to hold a press conference to whine about being bullied. She needs to stop ASAP. She screwed up, big time, and should just slink away before she does more damage.
Question about evidence re: Comey memo
Just wondering if a prosecution for obstruction can be based solely on Comey's memo. what if Trump disputes what was said? Then it's a matter of he-said/he-said. I would like to think that the memo makes the case a slam dunk, but don't know how much weight this would actually carry.
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