Watchfoxheadexplodes's JournalTrump will have a press briefing today?
I can't see him resigned to only Twitter today
Dear Trump, Ivanka, Jared, Jr., Eric ghoulani
Biondi, sclapp, Lewandowski, and the rest of your ilk.
Get ready to pack your bags and be irrelevant forever.
Good luck young man.
I'm betting Brett Baire and Chris Wallace are fired
In the next few days.
Only two at fox who may stand up to not calling Biden president elect.
My tinfoil hat on but
Could they be holding back the call for Biden until after weekend? With all the conservatives talking civil war.
Lindsay Graham donating 500 grand to trumps
Legal battle fund
He's on Hannity right fucking now lickin trumps ass, cheating, fraud, dead people voting.
God I hate living in South Carolina
Good God almighty Hannity
Lewandowski, biondi, trumps lawyer, Matt sclapp.
It it like watching insane people argue.
Just plain made up shit.
Tell me some other things I don't know about people
In our news media.
I thought after forty years of news and political news I was informed.
I did not know until today John king and Dana bash were once married
Any other tidbits I may be clueless on
What's the chance Republicans, Melanie,
Ivanka, the janitor
Are in trumps ear to just get ready to concede?
Profile Information
Name: Perry RicheyGender: Male
Hometown: Anderson South Carolina US
Current location: Leesville
Member since: Mon Nov 7, 2016, 12:24 PM
Number of posts: 3,496