Watchfoxheadexplodes's JournalCan a lawyer be disbarred for public lies?
Sydney Powell traitor flynns lawyer is on air making wild accusations she has proof this election will be reversed.
Just unethical?
Ghoulani and princess bondi only on OAN
People from Walmart "testifying" to the ghoul.
"electors will decide December 14th"
John Roberts fox
Was this just to give hope to trumpets glued to them?
OAN O my god
I can handle fox I just pick days to peek in.
My wife who leans little more right asked yesterday :
"one of my Facebook friends posted a link that said Trump would catch up and pass Biden in all states"
I looked at it and immediately saw the oan logo I said dear that's bullshit.
Later after dinner she's on her phone playing a game. I turned on oan just let it run in background in like ten minutes she says.
"omg fox news sounds like they have lost any freaking marbles they have left, turn that shit"
Thats oan dear please ignore anything in future from them
Who is the woman on fox and friends???
She's making sense and the two dimwitted guys are just making shit up.
"where is the evidence of fraud??" she keeps saying it.
Jay SUCK A LOW on insanity
"legal challenges could change this elections outcome"
Everyone in my living room of the fox cry party busted out laughing
So.. When is the next trump covid fest (rally)
If the lunatic does have another they will need a REALLY small angle lens.
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Name: Perry RicheyGender: Male
Hometown: Anderson South Carolina US
Current location: Leesville
Member since: Mon Nov 7, 2016, 12:24 PM
Number of posts: 3,496