Watchfoxheadexplodes's JournalWill trump tweet fox news latest virus treatment?
Let's wait and see as the crackpot Dr Oz announced a study using pepcid
Omg omg LMFAO!!!
Popped in on faux after Trump's disaster of a weekend.
"Normally we cover the president on our a, b, and c blocks, but today we have very important issues... "
Waiting for the YouTube post of this hour😂
Birx and fauci need to take a stand TODAY
And disavow this idiot trump BEFORE some trump humper dies injecting some cleaning solution.
It's going to take awhile for faux news to clean that up
I switched over to faux after being horrified at Trump's county Fair medical side show.
In a half hour Martha McCallum brought up trump once, and that was his jab at Biden.
Republicans I think are trying to avoid new stimulus
Payment to citizens.
Once states start opening they can avoid this by ranting people are going back to work.
What about the very poor who had to use theirs to pay last months bills, and still not working?
Governor McMaster to reopen boat ramps this weekend
"S.C. economy to be booming by June"
The lakes will be packed with idiots this weekend God what fools republicans are
I know it's fox but did anyone see Mark Cuban?
Made great sense on testing, patience, and let science dictate opening of country.
Kilmeade kept trying to bait him but he wasn't having it.
Business and six feet apart
Every business around me that are closed are closed due to close proximity of employees.
So what changes May 1
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Name: Perry RicheyGender: Male
Hometown: Anderson South Carolina US
Current location: Leesville
Member since: Mon Nov 7, 2016, 12:24 PM
Number of posts: 3,496