Watchfoxheadexplodes's JournalMovie or television series ending that made you go WTF?
For me
Se7en call me naive but I did not see that coming.
Smallville I swear I still want to sue some company or someone!!! He had the suit on like 20 seconds!!!!!!
Edit ack wrong place
Could trump simply start air strikes on north Korea
Wouldn't Congress flip out on him?
Free speech and Alex Jones
Most sane people know Jones is a carnival barker and wrapped up in the government is out to get us all. From sheer boredom I watched a few of his shows on the Las Vegas massacre. The way he presents his show as if it were news blatantly proclaiming total lies is scary.
Paddock was a gun runner for isis
Paddock flew guns into Afghanistan
Two people in room we have the room service receipts
Four Windows blown out in Mandalay bay
Paddocks brother fed information in an earpiece during interviews
He presented all above and more as fact quoting what he refers to as government sources.
How the hell does he get away with that? Do people just look at it like professional wrestling and just chuckle?
This looks as dangerous knowing he has an audience that belives that crap.
Not that it means anything
But my daughter (16) is a smart cookie.
Last night as the video of the Vegas massacre is shown again on the news, there is one where right before a round of gunfire starts huge stage lights above the stage come on and illuminate the crowd. Out loud I said "wonder what genius thought it was a good idea to turn those lights on?"
My daughter came out of her room and said he was probably singing "lights come on"
I asked her how she knew that? She has been to see him twice and said during that song at a certain point a light lights up the crowd. She then said the lights are probably in some way synchronized with the music to come on. Them running off stage the automatic lights probably were still on?
Now I have no idea what he was singing but shows my daughter pays attention to things even though sometimes I think she's not 😀
Just heard security union President on wolf Blitzer
Mandalay bay had 200 security officers armed and unarmed wow
I really don't know much about Juan Williams
I get he's supposed to be the left side on the five but how does he stand it now? I counted eight lies in just the first five minutes of that show, I used to enjoy his addition during President Obama's time.
With all trumps bad Puerto Rico press his handlers must be
Shaking in their boots this morning.
I would not be surprised if we don't see him speaking out in the open like yesterday. Probably more along lines of a written statement and photos with victims family members.
I just watched Karl Rove roast trumps ass
On Puerto Rico used his whiteboard to point out serious issues trump ignored.
"What's with the chip on the President shoulders "
Lol I was cheering him
Well that explains trumps flubs today in Puerto Rico
Fox news says we don't get jokes and the mayor of San Juan is a bigot <--- the five
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Name: Perry RicheyGender: Male
Hometown: Anderson South Carolina US
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Member since: Mon Nov 7, 2016, 12:24 PM
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