RainCaster's JournalJohn Oliver: pumpkin spice
That was the worst bit of nonsense that I have ever seen from him.
Am I the only one who feels this way?
This is how influential we are in the world now.
This is how far we have sunk as a world leader. Nobody pays us any attention any more.
Here's a great example of our influence on the world stage (no paywall- Reuters)
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The United States was further isolated on Friday over its bid to reimpose international sanctions on Iran with 13 countries on the 15-member U.N. Security Council expressing their opposition, arguing that Washingtons move is void given it is using a process agreed under a nuclear deal that it quit two years ago.
In the 24 hours since U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said he triggered a 30-day countdown to a return of U.N. sanctions on Iran, including an arms embargo, long-time allies Britain, France, Germany and Belgium as well as China, Russia, Vietnam, Niger, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, South Africa, Indonesia, Estonia and Tunisia have already written letters in opposition, seen by Reuters.
The United States has accused Iran of breaching a 2015 deal with world powers that aimed to stop Tehran developing nuclear weapons in return for sanctions relief. But President Donald Trump described it as the worst deal ever and quit in 2018.
Diplomats said Russia, China and many other countries are unlikely to reimpose the sanctions on Iran. Pompeo again warned Russia and China against that on Friday, threatening U.S. action if they refuse to reimpose the U.N. measures on Iran.
More at the link.
I keep seeing adverts for Franklin Graham on local TV
Why is that snake oil salesman still around? Doesn't he know the difference between WA and DC?
My land line is ringing every few minutes...
All robocalls from 3rd world scammers. We stopped answering it.
Trump takes on showers, because his hair must be "perfect"
Yes, he actually said that. My favorite review of the whole stupid idea comes from a British tech newsletter called The Register.
US govt proposes elephant showers for every American after Prez Trump says trickles dampen his haircare routine
This is how you win an election
Here's my favorite part of it though:
DFT's leadership on religion
https://twitter.com/CatMitchs/status/1291515398853021697Memes- it is what it is
Somebody asked a few days ago for memes on this topic. I've made a few, others please chime in with your as well.
Some of these images may require more eye bleach than others...
Another band steps into BLM territory- Midnight Oil
Remember "Beds are Burning"? Well, the band is back 18 years later and still supporting aboriginal causes. They even mention how the BLM movement has come to Oz.
Midnight Oil amplify Uluru Statement with first new song in 18 years
Gadigal Land, named for the traditional owners of a large swath of Sydney, is flagged as "a provocative recount of what happened in this place, and elsewhere in Australia, since 1788".
"Clearly this mini-album has ended up being timely in ways nobody could have anticipated as the Black Lives Matter movement surges globally and renews local focus on Aboriginal deaths in custody," said Sony Music Australia, which has pledged to match the artists' contribution to Indigenous rights lobbying organisations.
NZ: How to win an election during a pandemic
Here's a lesson for DFT- he screwed up. If you want to be popular in your country, lock it down tight. Don't deny the virus, fight it.
What Victoria can learn from New Zealand's drastic lockdown
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