jodymarie aimee
jodymarie aimee's JournalMichelle
is a goddess..
13 mins in and it is damn dumb..going to bed.
here is a thought for you.
Max Landis ?@Uptomyknees · 5h5 hours ago Los Angeles, CA
When you watch the world like it's a premium cable TV show, divorced from humanity entirely, anyone can get away with anything.
humor for you today
John Fugelsang ?@JohnFugelsang · 24h24 hours ago
What's the difference between Donald Trump & illegal immigrants?
Illegal immigrants pay taxes.
And some could pass a citizenship test.
David Kay Johnston on Amy Goodman now
explaining exactly how Cheeto cheated. And paying no taxes for 40 years, not just 2 decades.
Al Capone's Vault
came up empty. Julian A had his presser at 4AM. Lasted 2 hrs. Zippo. All he did was brag about the last 10 years and what he's accomplished. You may breathe again.
Meanshile, Back in Wisconsin
When the Guardian published that piece on our John Doe we got so excited. DEMs asked for a new investigation. Well, Monday it was shut down again in the courts. We have a strong right wing media here, both radio and press. Jerry Bader, the creep in Green Bay who precedes Rush's radio show crowed "We have a strong conservative media in Wisconsin. It is a force to be reckoned with. This could not have happened 10 years ago." Folks, we are so fucked. Mission accomplished for the Kochs. Wisconsin, Louisianna and Kansas dead.
And here is a story about our very own Sheriff David Clarke, Cheeto's guy, who starved an inmate to death.
ALERT Kellyanne on Tweety
Whoa...she looks worse than ever.....non answers as always..any question Burpy asks her she deflects to I know you are, but what am I....Why was Trump making fun of HRC physically this weekend...why was that funny......Pinched face says because she makes fun of him....why should he roll over.....
Yeah, this is a campaign to be proud of, America. The Kennedy boys used to quote Shakespeare in their political very sad for our once great eloquent country....the dumbing down is complete.
john fugelsang
John Fugelsang ?@JohnFugelsang · 16h16 hours ago
I want @SamuelLJackson to narrate my new documentary "Rudy Giuliani Has Lost His God-Damned Mind."
Vagina is expensive
turn on Lawrence. Direct quote from the Vulgarian on his 2nd wedding day to Stern.
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