jodymarie aimee
jodymarie aimee's JournalHow long does it take Stone to put on his make up and fix his hair? Media outside CH for hours now
we are staring at the gaggle of folks outside taking pics of each other....oh Walter Cronkite I miss you...
Nathan Phillips on TODAY right now by remote.."I WAS TRYING TO WALK AWAY"
Savannah: What did you think of his interview with me: "I was upset I was made to sit down and watch it..I got into the first 30 seconds of it and I got up and said, well that's all I had to hear" "Lack of Sincerity...Coached...I went to pray and I forgive him."
Savannah G: Does he need to apologize...Nathan: "I am WAY down on the list of people he needs to apologize to.."
"I used my drum to pray and reach out to God....I felt spiritually moved into the whirlwind of this thing."
Savannah Guthrie: Why didn't YOU walk away? "I WAS TRYING TO WALK AWAY"
Now she is on the VietNam crap....
Nathan Phillips RE: Smirky Boy's TODAY interview..."He has a PR firm and those weren't his words."
Nathan Phillips was asked what he thought about Smirky Boy's TODAY interview..."He has a PR firm and those weren't his words."
GOP committee passes resolution to cancel Republican primary due to Trump's 'effective presidency'
GOP committee passes resolution to cancel Republican primary due to Trumps effective presidency
The Republican National Committees resolutions group passed a resolution effectively canceling the GOP primary in 2020.
RNC Resolutions Committee just voted unanimously to undivided support for Trump and his effective presidency, clearing way for passage before full GOP governing body on Friday, tweeted Associated Press reporter Zeke Miller.
RNC Resolutions Committee just voted unanimously to undivided support for Trump and his effective presidency," clearing way for passage before full GOP governing body on Friday.
The Resolution Committee bill must pass through the full RNC to be adopted by the party. Presumably, the act would not stop any other Republicans from running, but the RNC would refuse to endorse the opponent.
Day Trump announced he'd lied & you'd be paying for the wall was the day the wall became socialism
John Fugelsang
Dear #maga - the day Trump announced hed lied & you would be paying for the wall was the day the wall became socialism.
I hope the next black teen arrested for looking at a cop the wrong way gets a segment on TODAY
b-boy bouiebaisse
I hope the next black teen arrested for looking at a cop the wrong way also gets a segment on the today show
Watching Smirky Boy on TODAY show...very catatonic...absolutely no emotion..programmed
Watching Smirky Boy on TODAY show...very catatonic...absolutely no emotion, says he didn't walk away because he didn't want to bump people behind him. Was that a smirk she asks, "No, it was a smile."...OK, then...
All this talk about helping the FedWorkers brings home to me how many of us know ZERO about poors
how poor people live...EVERY DAY...unemployment is half of regular salary.
And you can't just GET need a social worker and mucho documentation...3 months of bank statements, 3 months of pay stubs....ALL assets cannot be over $2,000....that includes home and automobile, stocks, etc...You cannot own more than $2Grand of assets...they will even ask you how much $$ you have in your wallet/ the in person interview...and here in WI a single adult gets 49cents a day...
My people that I work for every day are poor disabled and elderly...they make from $4Grand -$15Grand a year. When they see these stories on the TV where folks are lamenting having to pawn jewelry or they can't go out to dinner for their Anniv...or their kid can't go to people roll their eyes...
I wish my poors could go on TV 24 hrs a day...then Americans would see how it really is....their shutdown never ends...
I shudder to think what Jesus would go through if he went to a Catholic high school...signed,his Dad
? @TheTweetOfGod
Jan 19
I shudder to think what Jesus would go through if he went to a Catholic high school.
Fugelsang schools College Republicans RE: MLK Day...
College Republicans
#DoYouKnow which US President made MLK Day a #National #Holiday? Ronald Reagan did! #GOP
John Fugelsang Retweeted College Republicans
If an individual wants to discriminate against Negroes or others in selling or renting his house, it is his right to do so. - Ronald Reagan, 1966
Never forget - there was a veto-proof majority, and that's why Reagan signed #MLKDay into law.
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