CoopersDad's JournalLink to the official "Medicare and You 2023", recommended!
My wife and I are just back from a two hour meeting with our local HICAP office.
HICAP (the Health Insurance Counseling & Advocacy Program) is, I think, unique to California, a non profit organization with offices in each county.
I suspect each state has a different Medicare "Navigator" program.
They explained the various Medicare parts, then got into the differences between Medigap and Advantage plan forms of supplementing the missing parts, and did so without showing any bias.
Here is a link to the Medicare and You 2023 handbook, we were given a print copy.
My wife and I are probably going to select a higher-end Medigap plan.
Warnock leads 64% to 36% with 12% of votes counted
I expect this to hold through the night.
MSNBC free streaming above.
EDITS: updating results periodically.
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