CoopersDad's JournalQuestion about my avatar, does it show up?
And if it does show up, what does it look like?
My first question is because it's showing up as a broken image in one browser, but not in Chrome.
And, it is a custom avatar and I'm not sure I loaded it successfully, but also wonder if it comes across successfully-- it's an artwork made by a school teacher.
Congratulations, Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm!
Thank you Congress for confirming this important appointment!
Want to call a Senator, any Senator? Here's a list, dial 1-202-224-****
Area code is 202.
Prefix is 224 then enter the last four digits from this list to reach each Senator:
Capitol Hill is now protected by more US troops than are deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan combined.
And I couldn't be happier.
Can we/Should we impeach Pence? What protections do we have when both aren't fit for duty.
By refusing to invoke the 25th, Pence is behaving carelessly.
This nation cannot and should not be forced to go two weeks not knowing who the fuck is in charge.
This needs to end Monday.
David Perdue flashing "White Power" gang sign with Proud Boys.
Distinguished from the "OK" hand gesture, the three fingers create a "W".
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Gender: MaleHome country: USA
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Member since: Fri May 13, 2016, 10:51 AM
Number of posts: 2,767