tonyt53's JournalGot a question. What do you consider to be "out of bounds" when it comes to male - female contact?
I mean, what would be crossing a line that you feel should never be crossed? In the business world, I have always cringed when I would see a guy walk up behind a woman and start rubbing her shoulders. I've seen the looks on the faces of the women, and I'm pretty sure they felt like they were being invaded. I've seen hugs last more than a couple of seconds where the female has pretty much dropped their arms and released their return hug. I've seen guys walk up beside a woman, put his arm around her and then draw himself close and rub her opposite arm up and down for more than a few seconds. Just are just a few. When I have seen these things it bothers me. I wouldn't want a guy to be doing that to my mother, sisters, wife, and now my grand kids. How the hell anybody thinks these types of behaviors are okay is beyond me. Then make make excuses for it, or to blame the females, makes me extremely angry.
What the hell have we become?
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Gender: MaleHometown: KY
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Member since: Wed Apr 20, 2016, 10:34 AM
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