tonyt53's JournalFrom fivethirtyeight - Poor kids need summer jobs, rich kids get them for VP pick by Hillary. Odds by PaddyPower Sports about this - this year we have an opportunity to really make history.
Hell, I'm old and the last time there were 12 consecutive years of a Democratic Party President in this country, I wasn't even born. We need to make this even more significant by giving the next Democratic Party President at the least a Democratic Party Senate majority to work with. The thought of Elizabeth Warren as Senate majority leader is fascinating too.
Life has to be a bitch for Trump. The guy he hammered over his birth certificate is coming for him.
Bernie sounded like Bush II talking about FL in 2000
I was watching Bernie speak yesterday afternoon, and his choice of words eerily reminded me of Bush II talking about FL after the news agencies had called it for Gore. Same choice of words. In case people do not remember, or were too young to vote , or didn't care, Jeb Bush stole that that for his brother. Bernie uses the same words to describe how he is going to take those superdelegates away from Hillary, even though she has more of the popular vote.
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