Green Line
Green Line's JournalSo many signs
I live in Biden country, just a few miles north of Boston, but the number of signs I'm seeing is shocking even here. I went about 10 miles to shop, I took one route to the store and another back, I think every other house had a Biden/Harris sign. I've never seen this many signs, looks like a lot of enthusiasm to me. Not one single Trump sign.
They may be mailing SS recipients checks instead of DD
A friend of mine who has SS direct deposit just received a check by mail. Anyone else?
If anyone is looking for hand sanitizer, I found some
from a distillery in KY:
This is the description from their website:
This is the 80% ethanol World Health Organization formula 1 recipe, in a liquid form.
$20 for a half gallon
It's looking like the Boston Marathon will be rescheduled
From the Boston Globe:
It would be the first time in 124 years that the marathon which regularly draws about a million spectators and thousands of visitors from around the world wouldnt be held as planned. Postponement is preferable because canceling the marathon would mean a potential economic loss to the city of more than $200 million.
The desire was to hold the race on a long weekend, but Labor Day was deemed too challenging because it is peak time for college students to move into dormitories, many of which are located along the marathon route. Columbus Day, another target, is regarded as impossible because the Chicago Marathon is scheduled for Sunday, October 11.
Another reason to vote for Joe
It's the only way we can have WH dogs. Joe has 2 german shepherd rescues, Champ and Major. Bernie and Trump don't have dogs.
To me the biggest shock of the night is MA
MA voters, who are you voting for today?
Joe Biden is now the youngest male running
Why is the MSM giving the nomination to Sanders when only 3 states have voted?
They're acting like he's the nominee
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Name: JudyGender: Do not display
Hometown: Mass
Member since: Wed Mar 9, 2016, 12:45 PM
Number of posts: 1,125