peggysue2's JournalJust heard on MSNBC that Joe raised . . .
$6.3 million in his first 24 hours. Not a bad haul!
Endorsements come flooding in after Biden's Official Announcement
Joe Biden's endorsement list prior to today's official announcement was trailing at 18 pts. Since this morning, 538 has posted him at the head of the herd with 61 points thus far, surpassing even Cory Booker's impressive round up.
Joey Biden is on the move!
Turns Out the Philadelphia Inquirer Got It Wrong. Which Means So Did I.
Just read then heard on Chris Matthews' show that Charlottesville will not be Biden's kickoff venue. I'm disappointed by the change but also the Inquirer's reported admission that this was a 'rumor,' rather than a done deal. Also read that though the idea was discussed between Biden's advisors, there was pushback from activists in the state who felt the kickoff would be using Heather Heyer's death as a political football, somehow diminishing her death.
I thought just the opposite, thought the announcement would remind us all of that awful day and Donald Trump's incredibly callous response.
But then, these decisions are certainly above my pay grade.
So I guess we wait and find out Wednesday where the official announcement is made. Philly? Pittsburgh? Scranton?
Up for grabs now.
Joe Biden's Kickoff Next Wednesday in Charlottesville is a Strong, Profound Message
The Charlottesville kickoff will be a meaningful shot across the bow, a strong reminder of who exactly we're dealing with when it comes to the Trumpster and his hateful enablers. No one should forget the neo-Nazi sympathizers with their tiki torches chanting antisemitic slogans or the death of Heather Heyer or the infamous, Trumpian reaction:
"I'm sure there are fine people on both sides."
In that moment the Trumpster revealed himself as a wanna-be white nationalist and no decent human being should ever forget the disgusting display of ignorance and hate manifested during that rally.
I think this choice is brilliant on Biden's part. Start knocking teeth on Day 1.
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