speaktruthtopower's JournalMichigan Union Members..
could contribute to disparities between polling and actual votes.
The union may back Hillary because they don't want to offend the likely winner but be telling the rank and file to say one thing to pollsters but to send a message and vote Sanders.
Serious Question
Should Hillary's time spent as first lady of Arkansas and the U.S. be considered relevant experience or a hiatus in her resume?
Are older professional women likely to discern this differently than men and millenials?
No flaming please, just honest opinions.
Calling it as I see it... Good night for Hillary
Relaxed, informed likeable.
Bernie seemed tired.
Sen. Bernie Sanders Passes Hillary Clinton Faster than Barack Obama Did in 2008
http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/02/18/sanders-passes-clinton-in-national-polling-faster-than-obama/But I still don't see the oddmakers moving much.
AFL-CIO Delays Making Endorsement in Dem Primaries
Feeling the Bern?
Big-money liberals vow to back Bernie whether he likes it or not
http://g.thehill.com/homenews/campaign/269706-big-money-liberals-vow-to-back-bernie-whether-he-likes-it-or-notBernie Fundraising..
..more than any Republican in the field so far.
Cable News....All Scalia
Will this slow down Bernie's exposure to national voters?
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Member since: Sun Jan 31, 2016, 10:26 AMNumber of posts: 800