speaktruthtopower's JournalFBI: New E-mails do not change conclusion from July
https://twitter.com/jasoninthehouse/status/795358997083586560Dick Morris thinks Hillary has Florida wrapped up..
& Trump has an outside chance to make it up in the Rust Belt. Older voters breaking for Hillary, Trump making inroads among blacks in the North but not the South.
Very difficult to objectively call this one..
because both candidates have unusual cross-over appeal (or the opposite thereof as the case may be) and turnout is unpredictable and hard to model in the polling.
Trump is going to some of the Reagan Democrat vote. I think it comes down to whether the soccer moms, etc. who traditionally vote Republican but find Trump unacceptable actually get out and vote for Hillary or sit on their hands.
The campaigns have better polls..
than those made public, we can't know them, but the candidates' schedules the next few days are clues.
Hillary really trying to nail down Michigan. Trump trying to salvage Nevada. Both of them finishing in New Hampshire.
Watch for last minute changes.
Dick Morris
What keeps him from leaking dirt from the '90s? Does he have a non-disclosure agreement? Does he feel a professional obligation to hold back? Is he syndicated any more? It seems he just posts short blog entries on his own site. You can tell where he's coming from.
Is he on anyone's payroll this cycle? Are they saving his stuff for a last minute surprise?
Timing of Bombshells?
When a media release is on a Friday (like last weeks), is it generally considered to amplify the effect or attenuate it?
Where's the outrage...
about hacked e-mails being disseminated for political purposes on the Internet?
There are no doubt plenty of Republicans who would be upset at the precedent this sets.
To those preaching to the choir..
if you met an undecided voter, what is the most effective thing you could say to sway him or her without sounding like proselytizing?
The temerity of Trump..
suggesting Hillary wasn't eligible to run because HIS OPINION that she committed a crime.
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