speaktruthtopower's JournalTrump Tweet on 9/11, Iraq
"Now that George Bush is campaigning for Jeb(!), is he fair game for questions about World Trade Center, Iraq War and eco collapse? Careful!"
How will the Republican base react? Could it be that a lot of them have the same feeling of disquiet about the WOT as Democrats do about Wall Street influence on their party? Is Trump trying to tap into this? How will the media treat him? What did Peggy Noonan mean by he's getting into "Code Pink" territory.
Someone start a poll on who won tonight...please
Ever Notice how Defense is Sancrosanct?
Not even Bernie talks about cutting things like the F-35 project.
Report: Webb may re-enter presidential race
http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/presidential-races/269075-webb-may-announce-second-presidential-bid-reportNot sure how much of a splash he'll make, but he draws from the center-right.
Exit Polls (Sanders 62% Clinton 36.5%)
Bernie at 62%, per this one.
CNN Town Hall NH
Have to say Bernie was terrific, great answers to every question and not a hint of artificiality. He probably helped himself considerably and without saying one negative thing about Hillary.
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Member since: Sun Jan 31, 2016, 10:26 AMNumber of posts: 800