Matthew28's JournalI want to cut defense overall
but I see no problem with spending some of that on defending space infrastructure(satellites, etc) and focusing more on advanced technologies(larger space ships, engines to move them and shielding) that could help humanity finally move outwards. Think about it for one second:
1. We could finally have a respectable space station to replace the international space station that will likely be going out of commission within the next 5-10 years. There's no way the republicans are going to fund an replacement so that means we're stuck totally on earth.
2. We could have the ability to send people to mars and the moon in numbers that will make it more then a one off and maybe even create colonies. I know earth firsters are against this, but making it happen means hundreds of billions of dollars in increase economic development and higher paying jobs.
3. Kids and young adults being able to look up and that will motive them to go to college to become scientist. This will once against increase the size of the economy.
Nasa is starved to the bone and will never be able to do it.
If we move outwards we will have something of a space force one day anyways. Hell, at this very moment three branches of the military already do have some focus on it,,,so really this is just bringing them together.
I don't support violence in space but realize that there's a larger picture.
The Trade War Is Already Having A Huge Impact On The US Economy
The Trade War Is Already Having A Huge Impact On The US Economy
The trade war has barely just begun, and yet significant ripple effects are already being felt all across the U.S. economy. Once thriving businesses are on the verge of failure, workers are being laid off, and some sectors of the economy are witnessing enormous price hikes. Right now the mainstream media is absolutely fixated on the drama surrounding the recently concluded Trump-Putin summit meeting, but the consequences of this trade war will ultimately be far more important for the lives of most ordinary Americans. As more tariffs continue to be implemented, this will perhaps be the biggest disruption to the global economic system that we have seen in decades. Perhaps you have not been affected personally yet, but for many Americans this trade war has changed everything. For example, just consider the plight of soybean farmer Tim Bardole
We'll be lucky if Trumps idiocy doesn't cause another depression.
Brain scan can tell kids if they're transgender, study shows
Brain scan can tell kids if theyre transgender, study shows
Josh Jackman
22nd May 2018, 3:05 PM
A brain scan can reveal someones true gender, according to a new study.
Both the physical content and actions of a subjects brain can show that they are transgender, even before theyve started puberty.
The study, conducted by Dr Julie Bakker at the University of Lièges Laboratory of Neuroendocrinology, backs up research from March which showed that trans people are born that way.
Bakker explained in her study, titled Brain structure and function in gender dysphoria, that the scans results corroborated subjects who reported having gender dysphoria.
We found that hypothalamic responses of both adolescent girls and boys diagnosed with gender dysphoria were more similar to their experienced gender than their birth sex, she wrote.
The professor said that this supports the hypothesis of a sex-atypical brain differentiation in these individuals.
As well as this finding, Bakker also discovered that the amount of grey matter found in a brain can reveal both male and female subjects genders.
She said: Grey matter volumes of both gender dysphoria groups deviated from the volumetric characteristics of their birth sex towards those of individuals sharing their gender identity.
Bakker added that these results were exciting.
Earlier this year, researchers at the University of São Paulos Medical School compared the brains of trans and cisgender adults and discovered that they are significantly different.
It was found that the insula a region of the brain had a distinct volume depending on whether it was in the brain of a trans or cis subject.
The insula plays an important role in peoples body image, self-awareness and empathy.
Giancarlo Spizzirri, first author of the study which was published in Scientific Reports said that the result led them to believe that people are trans in the womb.
We found that trans people have characteristics that bring them closer to the gender with which they identify and their brains have particularities, suggesting that the differences begin to occur during gestation, he said in a statement.
The more research the more the science supports that transgenersism is a biological construct.
New report details just how rigged the midterms are in favor of Republicans
A new report by the Brennan Center for Justice suggests that congressional races are so heavily rigged in favor of Republicans that the United States can barely be described as a democratic republic. The upshot of their analysis is that, to win a bare majority of the seats in the U.S. House, Democrats would likely have to win the national popular vote by nearly 11 points.
To put that number in perspective, neither party achieved an 11-point popular vote win in the last several decades. The last time this happened, according to the Brennan Center, was 1982, when a deep recession led the opposition Democrats to a 269 seat majority against President Reagans Republicans.
This is wrong and we need to do everything in our power to end this injustice against the American people.
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