Nanjeanne's JournalSanders to Receive Endorsement of National People's Action in Boston Today.
Who They Are:
National People's Action (NPA) is a network of grassroots organizations with a fierce reputation for direct action from across the country that work to advance a national economic and racial justice agenda. NPA has over 200 organizers working to unite everyday people in cities, towns, and rural communities throughout the United States through direct-action, house meetings and community organizing.
NPA and its affiliates range from farmers in rural Iowa to youth in the South Bronx. We have affiliate organizations in 14 states with remote network offices in Washington D.C., California, New York and a central office in Chicago. Our target population is not limited to a geographical area or regional group but rather works with and on behalf of hard working Americans everywhere to ensure an equitable and just democracy. Our population includes people from all walks of life despite differences in age, race, sexual orientation, income and culture. We aim for an inclusive open population in which people feel welcome and a part of grassroots power organizing.
NPA staffs and supports three local, state and national campaigns in support of economic and racial justice: Bank Accountability, Housing Justice, and Immigrant and Workers Rights. These campaigns strive for wins meaning tangible concrete changes for our communities through policy and consciousness of social injustices and the empowerment to fight them.
Neighborhood residents are experts on the needs of their own neighborhoods. Thirty-three years ago that radical idea lead to the founding of the National Training and Information Center (NTIC), which is now National Peoples Action (NPA). Everyday people working together to gain power and win change by organizing their community and their country. Since its founding in 1972 by Shel Trapp and Gale Cincotta, NPA has specialized building grassroots leadership and creating powerful community organizations through issue based community organizing. NPA has been a leader in the fight to hold banks and corporations accountable to the communities that they serve and profit.
Founded in 1972, National Peoples Actions (NPA) core purpose is to develop the ideas, talent, and organizations that will help reclaim our democracy and advance racial and economic justice. The grassroots organizations supported by NPA are affiliated into an organizing network, which includes more than 200 organizers and staff representing metropolitan, regional and statewide power structures across 14 states.
Why We Need Democratic Socialism to Fix Our Educational System
By Paul Buchheit - college teacher, an active member of US Uncut Chicago, founder and developer of social justice and educational websites (,,, and the editor and main author of "American Wars: Illusions and Realities"
In 2013 Calhoun was one of 50 schools closed by Mayor Rahm Emanuel. It was shut down despite a committee recommendation that it remain open. Jalesa and Latoya, who still work at the center as they pursue other career interests, said the children are scattered now. Most of them take buses to a variety of public and charter schools outside the once-intimate neighborhood. Some have to walk a few blocks, some have to cross busy streets. None of them gather together before and after school, as they used to do on the grounds of Calhoun.
Charter schools generally perform no better than public schools, as summarized by the nonpartisan Spencer Foundation and Public Agenda: "There is very little evidence that charter and traditional public schools differ meaningfully in their average impact on students' standardized test performance." Yet in at least three ways charters undermine and debase the educational system that they profess to serve:
1. Committing Fraud: In 2015 they wasted an estimated $1.4 billion of taxpayer money through "financial fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement."
2. Lacking Transparency: The Center for Media and Democracy calls them a "black hole" into which the federal government has dumped an outrageous $3.7 billion over two decades with little accountability to the public.
3. Discarding Students: Prominent New York charter network Success Academy has frequently been accused of "counseling out" students who are low-performing or disruptive or otherwise difficult to teach. Even worse are charters that shut down, stranding hundreds of students, while their business operators can just move on to their next project. Nearly 2,500 charter schools closed their doors from 2001 to 2013, leaving over a quarter of a million kids temporarily without a school.
Now Hillary in November of 2015 was . . . wait for it . . . against charter schools. BUT PRIOR TO THAT - she was an advocate of charter schools. I stand behind the charter school/public school movement, because parents do deserve greater choice within
the public school system to meet the unique needs of their children. Slowly but surely, were beginning to create schooling
opportunities through the public school charter system-raising academic standards, empowering educators.
Now that Hill has endorsement of the teacher's union - it's a lot more muddy, hence her change in position. That is if the media actually reported truth.
But just look at one of Hillary's big supporters Shavar Jeffries. Now he is Pres of the DFER. More info on Democrats For Education Reform (for people who don't know what this organization stands for)
More of the Article:
Oh Hillary - there's no stance you won't take when politically expedient - even if they are on opposite sides of the issue!
Democratic Progressive Caucus of Florida - Endorses SANDERS! AND BY MAJORITY OF MEMBERS! I love this:
Yup - that's what the establishment Dems do to people who disagree with their choices.
Amy Goodman Tells CNN Host: Stop Your 'Obsession With Polls' And Report On 'People's Records'
God I love that woman!
"The media is so commercial, it's so driven by corporate interests," Goodman explained to Stelter during an interview on CNN's Reliable Sources. "And it's so important though that people recognize that there is a whole independent media world out there."
"We do not emphasize the polls," she pointed out. "I would love the media, there to be a month without polls. What is the value of these polls? If I am making a decision about a candidate, I want to weigh their record."
CSPAN will Air Sanders Rally in Greenville SC at 5 PM today
CSPAN ?@cspan 4m4 minutes ago
.@BernieSanders Campaign Rally in Greenville, SC - LIVE AT 5pm ET on C-SPAN #SCPrimary
Also - on Youtube Bernie Sanders 2016 channel:
Rep. Joe Salazar of Colorado endorses Bernie Sanders
More Latino support for Bernie by way of Colorado.
Susan Sarandon has video as well
And it shows moderator saying English - not Sanders supporters
Link to the entire vid. The translation ask starts at 53:30 & mod says English Only at 55:18. NO CHANTING.
Did I hear correctly, did MSNBC just say Sanders won Hispanic votes by 9%?
I had tv on in another room and I can't bear to sit in the same room as that channel - so I might have heard incorrectly. Anyone know the stats?
85% Nev Dem Caucus Goers who Consider Honesty & Trustworthyness Important Side 85% w/Sanders
11% side with Clinton
Looks like Long Lines being reported in NV and people being frustrated
Jon Ralston
Reports from field: 400 in line at Green Valley HS. 300 in line at Cheyenne HS. People getting frustrated, leaving. Big Bernie presence.
Let's hope the Sanders people stick it out - no matter how difficult it is.
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