Nanjeanne's JournalSanders New Ad that goes after Rahm Emmanuel. Sure to play well in Illinois!
&sns=twThe Real Gordon Gekko, former corporate raider Asher Edelman, says Sanders Is Strongest Candidate
Bernie Sanders, Edelman said, without missing a beat. No question.
Asked to elaborate, Edelman stated his case.
Well, I think its quite simple," he began. "If you look at something called velocity of moneyyou guys know what that is, I presumethat means how much gets spent and turns around. When you have the top one percent getting money, they spend five, 10 percent of what they earn. When you have the lower end of the economy getting money, they spend 100, or 110 percent of what they earn. As youve had a transfer of wealth to the top, and a transfer of income to the top, you have a shrinking consumer base, basically, and you have a shrinking velocity of money. Bernie is the only person out there who I think is talking at all about both fiscal stimulation and banking rules that will get the banks to begin to generate lending again as opposed to speculation. So from an economic point of view, its straightforward.
See video:
Bernie Sanders Kissimmee Florida Rally to Begin at 3 PM - Link to live video-STARTED!
&feature=youtu.beDemocrats Abroad Primary Results - Very Interesting To See Sanders/Clinton Percentages
Here's the link to the results which I find very interesting. In Europe, Asia, etc Sanders wins every single city. These countries all have the healthcare, family leave, and other policies that Sanders is promoting and the Americans living in these cities can see how the citizenship benefits from it.,_2016
Sanders is in Miami for his Rally
He had a 3 day trip planned starting today. Some pics from the rally coming up soon - he's scheduled for 7 PM so these are a few hours before it starts.
On Thursday he will be Osceola Heritage Park for a 3 p.m. program in Kissimmee, Then hell go to Florida State Fairgrounds Expo Hall in Tampa for a 7 p.m. program.
Arab American News Endorses Sqnders. Michigan has largest Arab American population
Hope they are encouraged to go out and vote today.
Your vote on Tuesday, March 8, will help draw Washington's policies on critical issues for the near and remote future a Supreme Court nomination; the United States role in the Middle East; the approach to the global refugee crisis; the fate of millions of undocumented immigrants and environmental guidelines that could affect our very existence on this planet.
On the Democratic side, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is facing an unlikely challenge from Senator Bernie Sanders.
The Arab American News endorses Sanders.
With the senator from Vermont, we have a historic opportunity to elect a principled politician who has remained true to his message from the days he was protesting with the civil rights movement to the day he proclaimed himself a democratic socialist on national television while running for president.
Sanders, 74, has served as a U.S. representative from 1991 to 2007. He has since been representing Vermont in the Senate.
Before being elected to Congress, Sanders served for eight years as the mayor of Burlington, Vermont. He taught political science briefly at Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government.
In his early years, he was a social justice activist.
Washington did not sway Sanders away from his ideals. In the House and the Senate, Sanders introduced and supported countless pieces of legislation to regulate Wall Street and protect the environment from predatory corporate greed.
Most Arab Americans are hardworking, middle class families. The concentration of wealth in the top 1 percent of the nations richest people impacts this community directly. Sanders' tax reforms and promised social programs would level the playing field for Americans to realize the American Dream.
Sanders stands for racial justice and has unequivocally condemned Islamophobia.
Read full endorsement here:
Michigan's Largest Independent African-American Blog/Podcast Endorses Bernie Sanders
Known as "The Voice of Progress", IUNT is Michigan Top African-American owned Independent Progressive-Left Politics, News, Commentary and Talk Radio resource. Home of Independent Underground Radio LIVE (IURL) Politics Affiliate Podcast Network with over 3 MILLION downloads and listens.Why Are We Endorsing Senator Bernie Sanders to gain the Democratic Nomination?
After viewing Sunday, March 6, 2016 Michigan Democratic Debate, there is no question that Senator Sanders policy positions as it relates to Free Trade, Fracking and uplifting of Communities of Color, are strongly supported by the Senator.
The debate likewise confirmed if elected, Senator Sanders will continue advocating for ideas, thoughts and legislative actions from the Executive Officer role, protecting People voting him into the role of President of the United States first, and not the interest of corporations.
Read More:
Michigan State Senator Bert Johnson of Detroit Endorses Sanders
Sen. Sanders understands what is happening here on the ground in Michigan and his policies will directly support the residents of my district.
Johnsons Senate district includes northeast Detroit, Highland Park, Hamtramck, Harper Woods and all five Grosse Pointe communities.
Full statement:
Why These Ferguson Activists Are Voting For Bernie Sanders
They say black voters must cut their Clinton loyalties if they want solutions to systemic racism.
Bruce Franks, the founder of 28 to Life, an organization that focuses on youth empowerment and police relations with communities, talked about losing his brother to gun violence at the packed rally inside Southern Illinois University Edwardsville basketball stadium.
In 1991, my brother, Christopher Harris, was 9 years old when he was killed. He was used as a human shield," said the 31-year-old, before announcing his run for Missouri state representative of the 79th district.
Senator Sanders knows that the root cause of violence is lack of jobs, education, and resources.
Franks told The Huffington Post that he wanted to run as state representative because he recognized the need for changes from the legislature.
Weve been out here in the fight since day one," said the Riverfront Times Best Activist of 2015, gesturing to his fellow activists. "Ill continue to fight. Ill continue to be an activist, but I figured the next road for solution was changing things from the inside."
Cori Bush, another activist-turned politician, spoke at the rally about being tear-gassed in Ferguson and the importance of standing against social injustice.
For some reason, my brown lips and my dark skin says that I must make less money than my counterparts and I dont understand that, said the single mother, ordained pastor and nurse, who is running as a Democratic candidate for the U.S. Senate.
She wants to eradicate the school-to-prison pipeline and said that her platform echoes much of Sanders.
Read The Whole Article:
Some great photos from Caucus Goers Tweets in Kansas and Nebraska
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