Nanjeanne's JournalCasino Workers Union in Atlantic City NJ endorses Bernie Sanders 54 is the largest industry union in New Jersey and has been in the middle of a back and forth battle with the Tropicana and Trump Taj Mahal over benefits.
No Rosario Dawson didn't say Obama was a Failure for Not Tweeting
I replied with this comment in the thread about the "surrogate from hell" but decided thinking people may want to actually, you know, watch and listen and think for themselves rather than a single tweet from one person that was repeated over and over in the twitterverse.
Just because Emily Cahn posts one tweet taken out of context - and it gets repeated by other people who didn't watch the roundtable - doesn't make it true. Just makes it stupid. To see posts here again from people who didn't watch, who like repeated some anonymous person on twitter as fact -- so damn sad.
An audience member talked about feeling invisible sometimes in the Obama administration. She said she appreciated "Your Brother's Keeper" program but up until recently felt invisible. It's one thing to have grass roots activisim but what about drafting the legislation. Dawson said that she understood - that people get excited, they think they have their guy but then within a few months people get disillusioned. The point about twitter was that Obama had great organization during the campaign but that after he was elected he didn't realize how he could have kept the momentum going through social media and that to say it was all obstructionism is a fallacy because he did have the House and Senate but they were lost because the momentum was lost.
This is something that many people have written about - and it's something Sanders talks about - how people have to stay active - they have to stay involved - but they need to feel motivated. As someone who "lost faith" after President Obama gave up the public option and went behind closed doors with the pharmaceutical industry during the healthcare debate - after being a member of the OFA and campaigning strongly for him . . . I understand completely what Rosario was saying and how she was answering this member of the audience. She talked about how disappointed she was that the Violence Against Women Act was stagnated for so long because they didn't want to include trans women . . . well
Here's a link folks. It's an hour of fascinating conversation with women - decide for yourself what is being said.
On stage: Rosario Dawson, actress and co-founder of Voto Latino, Michelle Alexander, author of 'The New Jim Crow', Tessa Thompson, actress and self-proclaimed 'female agitator' and Donna Hylton, criminal justice advocate in Harlem.
Oh . . . and there are about 7,000 comments. No one is commenting anything like what the twitterer has implied!
Vel Phillips, first African-American to serve as WI SoS & civil rights activist Endorses Sanders!
An incredible 92-year old black woman - quite a special lady.
Bernie Sanders is the president we need in our fight to end racism and economic inequality in this country, Phillips said in a statement. For far too long people of color have struggled under establishment politics and a rigged economy that favors the very wealthy."
Phillips added that Sanders "is the one candidate whose life has been dedicated to ending the inequalities that plagued African Americans in Milwaukee and our nation, and the only candidate I trust to uplift all Americans, regardless of race, sex, color or creed."
Started a while ago - but a great Roundtable in Harlem with Rosario Dawson, Michelle Alexander
Tessa Thompson and more
Third Sanders Event in Wisconsin Today - Lines Getting Long in Onalaska, Wisconsin
Doors Open at 4 PM Central Time. Sanders to speak at 7 PM Central.
Here's a pic from about an hour ago!
LIVE LINK for Sanders Rally This Morning at Carthage College-SANDERS ON NOW
State Senator Robert Wirch just intro'd Sanders. Early morning rally and yet lots of energy from crowd!
Bernie Sanders Rally - Milwaukee - Lines Are Forming!
Doors open at 5 PM Central
Event won't start for 3 hours yet - live feed is here:
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