ViseGrip's JournalThank you George Clooney for stating that Senator Sanders is correct!
"It is an obscene amount of money, the Sanders campaign when they talk about it is absolutely right. Its ridiculous that we have this kind of money in politics." - George Clooney
He's not helping when he jumps out into politics just remember NOT TO VOTE FOR CLOONEY! EVER! NEVER!
Check out the 'Not Another Red Cent for Hillary' Campaign
Worth checking out the pic on that page!!! The voter keeps a small dish of pennies, with a blotch of red nail polish on them, for despicable candidates!
Would the Hillary supporters have been just as angry if the Pope accepted Hillary's invite to the
Foundation Gala????
I doubt it.
This shows you how angry Hillary must be herself, when you witness her supporters here. WOW!
Rome is Berning!
I just love it. The optics are great, and the US media cannot and said they will not ignore this.
And, CNN just reported that Hillary will be away longer in CA, than Bernie will be away in Rome!!!
All the chatter of Bernie abandoning his campaign when it's time for NY. Utter bullshit from Hillary supporters once again. They were so busy finding out if he really was invited, who invited him, if he was really speaking, 'he's not, so it's a waste of his time', he is speaking but for only ten minutes, (how long is Hillary speaking?), he'll have jet lag, is the campaign paying for the flight, if not how can he go? He's a senator and can afford a ticket! Anyway, on and on, and now we learn Hillary will be away from NY longer than Bernie!
What's her supporters to do?
Wolf Blitzer was the loser last night, he could not/would not control the debate.
Do we really need a button to cut the mics? That would be rude.
How many times did Hillary talk over her time? How many times did she cut into, interrupt Bernie on his time? How many times did the moderators tell her her time was up and to stop, and she did not?
How many times did Bernie have to wave at them, to hold her accountable for not following the rules, again, cutting into his time.
When Bernie had enough, he kept on with his speaking while she began to talk over him, and kept talking. Then Wolfy had to do something, cuz you could not hear two people at once. So when they STOPPED ALL conversation to get the debate back on track....they asked BERNIE to please continue, and for Hillary to allow him to answer.
Hillary was absolutely the rudest she could have been, participating in a contest. She.....was absolutely horrible last night. Fucking awful.
Just my two cents...but all the video shows it, and the spin isn't fixing her image from last night. Internals are bad again this morning, before Bernie spoke at the Vatican. Hillary is a really bad sport, and doesn't follow the rules. But I don't fault her, Wolf Blitzer had a job to do, and he is the one that failed. Did he allow her to continue to break timing rules on purpose? Or is he just that big of a failure?
New PPP Poll of NY - Bernie closing the gap
He is closer at this time, than he was before MI.
New PPP Poll of NY: HRC: 51% BS: 40%
All the NY Polls seem to be about the same HRC up 11-16 points:
On the Democratic side Hillary Clinton's leading with 51% to 40% for Bernie Sanders. Clinton benefits from more committed support than Sanders- 88% of her voters say they'll definitely cast their ballots for her, compared to 71% of Sanders backers who say the same. All the normal splits present themselves in New York. Clinton is dominant with women (57/34), but trails slightly with men (47/44). The race is close among white voters- a 47/43 Clinton lead- while she has much more emphatic advantages with Hispanics (66/28) and African Americans (61/32). Sanders is ahead with younger voters (56/40), but Clinton's up by even more with seniors (63/27). Clinton's lead is widest in New York City (55/38), followed by the suburbs (51/40), and the race is effectively tied upstate (47/44).
What is the difference between Hillary's transcripts and Bernie's IRS taxes?
The transcripts involve the shaping of U.S. policy, affecting everyone in the country who pays taxes and invests.
Bernie's tax returns do not.
These similar actions by Hillary, the emails, the transcripts, the noise machine...
Mean one thing. Secrets. Campaigns cannot be about secrets.
Imagine Bernie Sanders setting up a white noise machine. Imagine if you's actually hard to imagine him doing that.
Her lies? Bosnia sniper fire? All of this, is not a winning campaign.
It just isn't.
Why Hillary's footdragging on releasing the TRANSCRIPTS is concerning
Simply because, it's being talked about around the world!!!
Her emails along with the transcripts show, she is one of the least transparent politicians ever.
That, is why it is so concerning.
The IRS has Bernie's taxes....don't you worry about that. Again, the IRS has the Sanders taxes over the years.
No one but secretive Hillary, has her transcripts.
Hillary, release them now. The people (less your supporters) demand it.
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Name: Kevin FoxeGender: Male
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Member since: Wed Oct 14, 2015, 08:59 PM
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