MrWendel's JournalBoko Haram Actually Kills More People In Terror Attacks Than ISIS
Let's not forget the horrific terror group taking lives in northern Nigeria.
This week, the worlds deadliest terror group wrought extraordinary carnage on crowds of people going about their daily lives.
The fruit and vegetable market in the northern Nigerian city of Yola was packed with customers buying food for dinner when a suicide bomber struck on Tuesday evening, killing at least 34 people. "The ground near my shop was covered with dead bodies," Alhaji Ahmed told Reuters.
Then on Wednesday, as afternoon prayers approached, two young women strapped with explosives detonated at a busy mobile phone market in the nearby city of Kano. At least 15 people were killed in the twin blasts, according to The Associated Press.
Both bombings are widely believed to be the work of Nigerian militant group Boko Haram, which rarely claims responsibility for specific attacks but has waged a bloody six-year insurgency in the region.
A new report this week found Boko Haram has overtaken the so-called Islamic State as the most deadly terror group in the world.
(More in link)
Marco Rubio Plays The Nazi Card On Hillary Clinton Marco Rubio proves yet again why he's not ready for primetime. We expect a lot of over the top rhetoric coming from the GOP primaries with the clown car in overdrive, but Rubio's use of the Nazi party to equate that to extremist jihads is so damn idiotic. The idea that the Democratic party has to use GOP talking points on anything - ever - especially related to terrorism is nonsense. And the fact that Fox News conservatives love the notion that Obama's weak on ISIS because he refuses to say "radical Islam," is quite sad and pitiful.
STEPHANOPOULOS: You saw Secretary Clinton there did not want to use the words radical Islam, your response?
RUBIO: I think thats I dont understand it. That would be like saying we werent at war with Nazis, because we were afraid to offend some Germans who may have been members of the Nazi Party but werent violent themselves. We are at war with radical Islam, with an interpretation of Islam by a significant number of people around the world, who they believe now justifies them in killing those who dont agree with their ideology. This is a clash of civilizations, and as I said at the debate earlier this week, there is no middle ground on this. Either they win or we win. And we need to begin to take this seriously. These are individuals motivated by their faith...
Never stops surprising me how low detractors of Hillary are willing to go.
Politico: Insiders: Bad night for Bernie
One day after the Paris attacks, Democrats viewed him as unprepared to talk in depth about foreign policy.
By KATIE GLUECK 11/15/15 06:50 AM EST
Bernie Sanders had the weakest night of the three Democrats onstage at Saturday nights debate.
Thats according to a survey of the POLITICO Caucus, a bipartisan group of influential strategists, operatives and activists in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada, who weighed in immediately following the second Democratic primary debate.
Nearly half of Democrats surveyed said the Vermont senator lost the debate, and only 10 percent of Democrats said he won. Those insiders who said Sanders had the worst night argued that he appeared out of his depth on foreign policy a day after terrorist attacks rocked France. He spent just a few seconds addressing the matter in his opening statement before pivoting to his familiar pitch about the economy, in stark contrast to rival Hillary Clinton, a former secretary of state who devoted her entire statement to the Paris attacks.
He made a mistake right off the bat in switching from Paris to the economy, and had an uneven performance, a New Hampshire Democrat said.
"He was clearly not comfortable discussing detail on foreign policy matters," agreed another New Hampshire Democrat.
Others said the self-described democratic socialist made no effort to appeal to the broader Democratic Party, and reinforced perceptions Saturday night that he is unelectable....
Carson on China in Syria: ‘My Sources Are Better’ Than Obama Admin presidential candidate Ben Carson said on Friday that his sources are better than those of the Obama administration when it comes to whether China is involved in the Syria conflict.
Carson has claimed, based on his sources, that Chinese forces are operating in Syria. Asked on Thursday whether that is true, White House National Security Adviser Susan Rice said the U.S. has no evidence or intelligence suggesting that the Chinese are involved in Syria...
Panic in the GOP elite! Is this a job for Mitt?!?!?
The fact that Donald Trump and Ben Carson are still around and are still sucking the oxygen out of the primary race is causing real panic among Republican elites. All their hopes that either of the two would self-destruct are not materializing, because no matter what these guys say, people seem to like it, and that makes it very difficult for another candidate to try to destroy them. What's more, there's not a lot of time to do something about it...
Morning Joe
Panic in the GOP elite! Is this a job for Mitt?!?!?
The fact that Donald Trump and Ben Carson are still around and are still sucking the oxygen out of the primary race is causing real panic among Republican elites. All their hopes that either of the two would self-destruct are not materializing, because no matter what these guys say, people seem to like it, and that makes it very difficult for another candidate to try to destroy them. What's more, there's not a lot of time to do something about it...
Morning Joe
Hillary's Had a Really Good Month. Surges ahead in favorability. are really, really starting to like Hillary Clinton.
The front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination has seen her net favorable rating jump 14 points among Democrats and those who lean to the left since the first Democratic debate in October, while her top competitor Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont has seen his own rating stay fairly stagnant, according to Gallup polling released this week. Both candidates, along with former Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley, will take the stage again Saturday in Iowa for the second official debate of the Democratic primary...

The chart reflects the newest Gallup favorable rankings, collected Oct.25-Nov.7, 2015.
Play the GOP mentions HRC drinking game!
If you drink every time the GOP candidates mention HRC you will be drunk by the end of tonights debateIf youre planning on watching the GOP debate tonight, you probably wont want to do it sober. So weve got a drinking game for you to play while you watch: drink each time a Republican candidate mentions Hillary Clinton.
If the last three debates are any indication of how tonights will go, youll probably be drinking a lot. Whats your guess on what the total number will be?
Ben Carson Defends Himself Against Claims He Exaggerated His Life Story"Show me somebody ... who is 100 percent accurate in everything that they say that happened 40 or 50 years ago."
Seriously this guy is the creepy "Stalkerish" guy next door category. He needs to be committed. Not run for president.
Massive Sinkhole Swallows Over a Dozen Cars at an IHOP Parking Lot"Usually when people think about IHOP and the word swallow, its because theyre hungry for some mouth-watering pancakes. For a group of Saturday night diners at the one in Meridian, Mississippi, however, the ground itself opened up and devoured over a dozen cars into a gigantic sinkhole.
CBS reported that at about 7:15 P.M., the patrons felt what they thought was an earthquake, prompting them to run out and find a massive expanse that took in a section of the parking lot. No one was hurt, but when local patrolmen arrived, they determined that at least 14 vehicles were taken by the cave-in."

I just noticed in that pic that only one person got lucky out of this.
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