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MrWendel's Journal
MrWendel's Journal
July 22, 2016

Alex Jones, Roger Stone Crashed The Young Turks Broadcast and Everyone Went Nuts


by Josh Feldman

The progressive political show The Young Turks faced off with the far-far-far-right Alex Jones and Roger Stone at the RNC today. It was, um… just wow.

Jones crashed the Young Turks live broadcast and teased them a little. Cenk Uygur got combative with Jones, told him off, and they started arguing. Jones handed Uygur a Bill Clinton “RAPE” shirt, which caused Uygur to grab his microphone and tell him 1) that he’s “sick” and 2) that Trump has been accused of rape too.

Stone jumped in to back up Jones, and that’s when things got nuts. Uygur shouted at Stone that he’s “sick” and the two of them went back and forth as Jones perched himself on Uygur’s shoulder.

More in link...
July 13, 2016

Bernie Hits Trump Hard: "I Agree with what Justice Ginsburg Said" and then Bernie Calls Trump a Liar


By TomP

Bernie criticized Trump today, basically calling him a liar and endorsing what Justice Ginsburg said.

While remarking Wednesday on ABC's "Good Morning America" that he would let Ginsburg herself speak to whether her recent criticism was inappropriate, Sanders added, "Let me very clear: I agree with what Justice Ginsburg said."


"I think that Trump is a total opportunist," Sanders said Wednesday. "I think I would—I do not believe anything that comes out of his mouth because I think the record is quite clear that he lies just a whole lot of the time and I think we need a president right now who is prepared to be consistent, to stand up for working families and to protect our children."


Justice Ginsburg called Trump a faker on Monday:

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's well-known candor was on display in her chambers late Monday, when she declined to retreat from her earlier criticism of Donald Trump and even elaborated on it.
"He is a faker," she said of the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, going point by point, as if presenting a legal brief. "He has no consistency about him. He says whatever comes into his head at the moment. He really has an ego. ... How has he gotten away with not turning over his tax returns? The press seems to be very gentle with him on that."


Elizabeth Warren’s turn next.

We can play “whack a Trump” all summer.

Update I: Weaver says Bernie will have a heavy schedule campaigning for Hillary and progressives running for down-ticket offices. From the Washington Post, Greg Sargent, The Plum Line:

SANDERS TO ‘STUMP HEAVILY’ FOR CLINTON: In a new interview, Bernie Sanders’s campaign manager Jeff Weaver previews a very heavy campaigning schedule for him:

“I think the senator’s intentions is to stump quite heavily for the secretary all across the country, obviously and specifically in the battleground states. In addition to that, he’ll be campaigning for down-ballot progressive Democrats in states all across the country — whether they are battlegrounds or not in battlegrounds. I think you are going to see a lot of Senator Sanders on the stump.”

Wait, so all of those people who told you that Sanders would destroy the Democratic Party before backing Clinton got it completely wrong?

We’re going to see a lot of Bernie this campaign season.
July 13, 2016

I Guess He Doesn't Need that Guy After All


By Crashing Vor

The country was briefly shocked last month when Himself invited his rally crowd to “Look at my African-American!” The shock turned to laughter when a poll at month’s end showed Trump only had one African-American to point to. One percent, that is.

I guess when you’re down to one percent of any voting bloc, you get to an “Oh, well, why bother?” stage, as evidenced by Himself’s statements this week.

On Monday, as politicians as ideologically distanced as Hillary Clinton and Newt Gingrich were offering thoughtful observations on the relations between minority citizens and police, Himself decided to go full Nixon, proclaiming Himself the “law and order candidate” and predicting to the AP that the horror of Dallas “might just be the beginning for this summer.

In the same interview, when asked if he agreed with Rudy Giuliani that “When you say black lives matter, that’s inherently racist,” Himself didn’t exactly disagree.

“A lot of people agree with that. A lot of people feel that it is inherently racist. And it’s a very divisive term.”

Himself’s upset grew as Tuesday wore on. In the evening, he told Bill O’Reilly of his outrage at “people,” like cheering New Jerseyans on 9/11, calling for moments of silence for the Dallas murderer.

It all got to be too much for Himself, who announced later in the evening that he wouldn’t be attending the NAACP convention, because it was the day before his own big party.

Whether the problem is that Trump Force One can’t make a Cincinnati to Cleveland run in less than 24 hours or some aide decided the risk of Himself pulling a Perot was too great, it’s clear that this campaign is out to mark yet another first.

Contrary to all predictions from scholars and pundits, it really is possible for a modern campaign, fueled by television and social media, to corner zero percent of a significant voting bloc.

We’re rooting for you, sir!
June 19, 2016

John McCain Furious Obama Shot Up Orlando, Created ISIS, Bought Last Bag Of Werther’s Originals


Also Misspoke When He Picked Palin For VP
By Doktor Zoom


ohn McCain must really be worried about his re-election race back home in Arizona, because he’s saying stuff that sounds calculated to rile up The Base instead of making sense. Thursday, McCain said — twice — that President Barack Obama was “directly responsible” for last week’s massacre in Orlando, before later backing off and claiming he’d “misspoken.” We’re still waiting on McCain to issue a further clarification explaining he has no idea what “misspoken” actually means.

While the president was in Orlando meeting with survivors and family members of those killed in the worst mass shooting in American history, McCain told reporters in the Capitol that Obama had pretty much pulled the trigger himself:

“Barack Obama is directly responsible for it, because when he pulled everybody out of Iraq, al-Qaida went to Syria, became ISIS, and ISIS is what it is today thanks to Barack Obama’s failures, utter failures, by pulling everybody out of Iraq,” a visibly angry McCain said as the Senate debated a spending bill.

“So the responsibility for it lies with President Barack Obama and his failed policies,” McCain said.

That’s some pretty impressive logicking! So what McCain is really saying is that George W. Bush also shot 49 people, because without his war of choice in Iraq, which destabilized the entire Middle East, there never would have been an ISIS to replace al Qaeda, which didn’t exist in Iraq at all until after the 2003 invasion. (Haha, we are kidding. It’s all Ike’s fault for sending the CIA to overthrow Mossadegh in Iran in 1953).

Ever the troublesome naysayers, the Associated Press points out that the shooter, Omar Mateen, did indeed claim to be working on behalf of ISIS. But he also claimed to be affiliated with al Qaeda and Hezbollah, which are both at war with ISIS in Syria. It’s almost as if the guy just rattled off the names of any radical terrorist groups that came to mind regardless of ideological consistency. (We mean Mateen, but it works for McCain, too.)

Read more at http://wonkette.com/603109/john-mccain-furious-obama-shot-up-orlando-created-isis-bought-last-bag-of-werthers-originals#8zwYaOvga7AvgywA.99

June 19, 2016

Wonkette: Sarah Palin Under Impression Somebody Asked Her Opinion On Orlando Shootings

shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up
By Evan Hurst

Sarah Palin awakened from her slumber Friday morning and felt unsettled. It wasn’t just the rumbling and growling in her bowels, an obvious side effect of the four pounds of moose chili she eated as a midnight snack. It wasn’t just that her sexually abstinent daughter Bristol is actually married now and STILL doesn’t know how babies are made. How many times does Bristol have to get pregnant before Sarah FINALLY remembers to sit down and have The Talk with her?

No, Sarah was angry because she is a gun-fondling dumbass, and Obama is politicizing (!!!!) the murders of 49 people at a gay club in Orlando, by mentioning guns, and also failing to bomb all Muslims straight to hell:


Enough is enough, Mr. President. There’s no “due respect” due you after pulling this stunt.

Oh sweet Jesus. Sarah Palin is calling someone stupid. It’s like the pot calling the kettle a half-term Wasilla meth-grifter.

The “stunt” she is referring to is President Obama traveling to Orlando and, aside from meeting with and consoling survivors and victims’ families, having the audacity to mention that those affected most deeply by the Orlando mass shooting have been begging him to do something, anything, to reduce gun violence in this country. He scolded limp-dick NRA motherfuckers for refusing to even consider that MAYBE it shouldn’t be so easy for any random unhinged asshole to go buy an AR-15. Sarah knows that is wrong, because hey did you hear the shooter was a Muslim?

Read more at http://wonkette.com/603134/sarah-palin-under-impression-somebody-asked-her-opinion-on-orlando-shootings#HbyVcemxYjA1ukzL.99
June 19, 2016

Trump: Sanders 'waiting for the FBI convention' to nab nomination from Clinton


By Eugene Scott, CNN

Washington (CNN)Donald Trump on Saturday suggested Bernie Sanders is staying in the Democratic race because of an "FBI convention" that would lead to prosecution of Hillary Clinton over her private email server while secretary of state.

At a Las Vegas rally, Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee, implied that Sanders is waiting for Clinton to be indicted so he can then claim the Democratic nomination himself at the party's convention in Philadelphia.

"Crazy Bernie," Trump said of the Vermont senator. "He's crazy as a bed bug, but he doesn't quit."

"He's waiting for the FBI to do what everybody thinks they're going to do," Trump added. "I think he's saying, 'Let's hang in there because its ultimately called the FBI... We'll see if the right thing happens. Everybody knows what the right thing is."

Clinton has called the private email server a mistake, but has insisted everything was legal and that she would be cleared.
Sanders came up well short behind Clinton in the Democratic delegate fight. Though the primaries are over Sanders has not dropped out and endorsed Clinton.

On Saturday Trump also pushed back on reports that Republican activists were plotting to deny him the GOP nomination at the Cleveland convention this summer. Trump noted he beat back 16 primary rivals and won a record number of votes.

"Who are they going to pick? I beat everybody. I beat the hell out of them," Trump told the Las Vegas crowd. "And we're going to beat Hillary. And it would be helpful if the Republicans could help us a bit," Trump added.

But some Republican delegates are still supporting anybody but the presumptive Republican nominee. Some are pushing for a "conscience clause" that would allow delegates to vote against the presumptive nominee.

Kendal Unruh, a Colorado delegate, organized a call with dozens of other delegates Thursday night to discuss ways to block Trump at the convention. The group, Unruh said, marks the coalescing of disparate "pockets of resistance" -- including backers of Sen. Ted Cruz, Sen. Marco Rubio and Ohio Gov. John Kasich -- which had been opposing Trump with little success.

The Republican National Committee, which is supporting the Trump campaign, dismissed the effort Friday.

"The extent of this effort is a bunch of random people tweeting about it, full stop," said RNC chief strategist Sean Spicer.

However Trump did allude to some dissention in Republican ranks. He argued that if GOP establishment types didn't fully support his campaign he could self-fund, rather than relying on the party apparatus to help bring in donations. Throughout much of the primary process Trump pledged to pay for the campaign himself, only to begin accepting donations later on.

"Life is like two way street, right?" Trump said. "Otherwise I'll just keep doing what I'm doing. I'll just keep funding my own campaign. I'm ok with that. That's the easy way. I mean for me, that's the easy way. But, hopefully I can continue to go the way we're going, and this weekend we raised a lot of money. We've raised a lot of money for the Republican Party. We'll keep doing it, because we do have tremendous support within the party that I can tell you."

Trump's Las Vegas rally drew a series of protesters inside. More were expected at this second rally Saturday, in Phoenix. Ahead of the event protesters mounted an inflatable Donald Trump balloon donning a KKK costume.
June 19, 2016

Trump: Sanders 'waiting for the FBI convention' to nab nomination from Clinton


By Eugene Scott, CNN

Washington (CNN)Donald Trump on Saturday suggested Bernie Sanders is staying in the Democratic race because of an "FBI convention" that would lead to prosecution of Hillary Clinton over her private email server while secretary of state.

At a Las Vegas rally, Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee, implied that Sanders is waiting for Clinton to be indicted so he can then claim the Democratic nomination himself at the party's convention in Philadelphia.

"Crazy Bernie," Trump said of the Vermont senator. "He's crazy as a bed bug, but he doesn't quit."

"He's waiting for the FBI to do what everybody thinks they're going to do," Trump added. "I think he's saying, 'Let's hang in there because its ultimately called the FBI... We'll see if the right thing happens. Everybody knows what the right thing is."

Clinton has called the private email server a mistake, but has insisted everything was legal and that she would be cleared.
Sanders came up well short behind Clinton in the Democratic delegate fight. Though the primaries are over Sanders has not dropped out and endorsed Clinton.

On Saturday Trump also pushed back on reports that Republican activists were plotting to deny him the GOP nomination at the Cleveland convention this summer. Trump noted he beat back 16 primary rivals and won a record number of votes.

"Who are they going to pick? I beat everybody. I beat the hell out of them," Trump told the Las Vegas crowd. "And we're going to beat Hillary. And it would be helpful if the Republicans could help us a bit," Trump added.

(Rest in link)
June 14, 2016

Harvard Study Says Media Coverage Built Up Trump, Tore Down Clinton


by Ken Meyer

The Harvard Kennedy School released an extensive new analysis today, and it’s shedding some interesting light on how media coverage drove the 2016 election.

The Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy was interested in determining how “good” and “bad” press reflected the rise of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton to their respective nominations. Though Trump has criticized the media on a more frequent basis than Clinton due to his penchant for controversy, the study concluded that his media coverage has been much more positive for him than it’s been for the former Secretary of State.

Drawing on multiple sources, the study measured the extent to which Trump benefited from the “free media” journalists repeatedly gave his campaign and general antics. Though Trump didn’t raise much money for his campaign and had no real political leg to stand on when he started off, the analysis was that journalistic interest lifted him to the top of the polls fast enough to survive what would have been “political suicide” for other conventional figures:

Although journalists play a political brokering role in presidential primaries, their decisions are driven by news values rather than political values. Journalists are attracted to the new, the unusual, the sensational—the type of story material that will catch and hold an audience’s attention. Trump fit that need as no other candidate in recent memory. Trump is arguably the first bona fide media-created presidential nominee. Although he subsequently tapped a political nerve, journalists fueled his launch.

The study went on to argue that coverage by and large had a positive effect on Trump. This was calculated to give him a media edge of approximately $19 million over his closest competitor in media interest, Jeb Bush.

The study concluded that the Democratic race received much less coverage compared to the GOP. This started to change, however, after Bernie Sanders established himself as Clinton’s viable primary competitor. Indeed, the two candidates both drew attention from several dust-ups as they fought it out for the past few months.

Despite most of Sanders’ coverage seemingly being positive, the analysis concluded that he still was hurt by receiving less coverage than his competition. By contrast, Clinton’s issue-oriented media interest eclipsed both sides of the aisle, but 84% percent of it was negative, as she still observes a tepid relationship with the media.
June 14, 2016

Harvard Study Says Media Coverage Built Up Trump, Tore Down Clinton


by Ken Meyer

The Harvard Kennedy School released an extensive new analysis today, and it’s shedding some interesting light on how media coverage drove the 2016 election.

The Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy was interested in determining how “good” and “bad” press reflected the rise of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton to their respective nominations. Though Trump has criticized the media on a more frequent basis than Clinton due to his penchant for controversy, the study concluded that his media coverage has been much more positive for him than it’s been for the former Secretary of State.

Drawing on multiple sources, the study measured the extent to which Trump benefited from the “free media” journalists repeatedly gave his campaign and general antics. Though Trump didn’t raise much money for his campaign and had no real political leg to stand on when he started off, the analysis was that journalistic interest lifted him to the top of the polls fast enough to survive what would have been “political suicide” for other conventional figures:

Although journalists play a political brokering role in presidential primaries, their decisions are driven by news values rather than political values. Journalists are attracted to the new, the unusual, the sensational—the type of story material that will catch and hold an audience’s attention. Trump fit that need as no other candidate in recent memory. Trump is arguably the first bona fide media-created presidential nominee. Although he subsequently tapped a political nerve, journalists fueled his launch.

The study went on to argue that coverage by and large had a positive effect on Trump. This was calculated to give him a media edge of approximately $19 million over his closest competitor in media interest, Jeb Bush.

The study concluded that the Democratic race received much less coverage compared to the GOP. This started to change, however, after Bernie Sanders established himself as Clinton’s viable primary competitor. Indeed, the two candidates both drew attention from several dust-ups as they fought it out for the past few months.

Despite most of Sanders’ coverage seemingly being positive, the analysis concluded that he still was hurt by receiving less coverage than his competition. By contrast, Clinton’s issue-oriented media interest eclipsed both sides of the aisle, but 84% percent of it was negative, as she still observes a tepid relationship with the media.

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