Feeling the Bern
Feeling the Bern's JournalI go after Trumpers and Conservaturds hard now (facebook pic heavy) FtB for the WIN!
Here is the article that started the exchange. I challenged one of my badge licking, cops can do no wrong, Obama is the devil, go Trump fraternity brothers who is a police officer to defend the indefensible. When I post things about cops doing awful shit, I ask him to defend it. Normally, he finds the most arcane crap in the world.
Again, if people don't like how I conduct myself in arguing, I refuse to take roads anymore. I will use the same tactics they use on us. It throws them off their game. Difference is they use lies with their tactics, I use facts.
We are both Jewish and espouse the "help the poor" attitudes. I am pretty much daring him to take the bait. He does, naturally; hook, line, and sinker.
First tactic is to accuse me of not reading the article. Smackdown #1. I read it and knew every word.
Second tactic is to go the "the law is the law and you must obey." Now, it's all about the spider playing with the fly.
Police maintain law and order. My response to that is at the bottom of the photo. Remember to submit, conform and obey.
Oh, then we get the "homeless people had more money than I have" shit. Michael Savage says that a lot. The welfare queen argument. . .so thoroughly debunked, I will not waste my time or bandwidth even acknowledging it.
Now, it's time to go in for the kill about "the law is the law." Remember, slavery was the law too. So was the fugitive slave act, the Indian Removal Act, the Chinese Exclusion Act, Jim Crow laws. . .police must enforce laws.
Law and order. Maybe we should just cancel our rights as Americans and accept fascism, statism and authoritarianism completely.
Time for the Trumper to go to the old reliable ace up the sleeve: The "this is a huge leap argument." Also, time to pull out I am a bigot because "not all cops are bad."
I expected this. . .I love the statistic used. 98% of cops are good. No evidence, no verifiable statistics that can be cross checked and referenced. Just a number pulled out of the ass. These Trumper law and order people don't seem to understand that cops, by nature of their jobs, must be held to a higher standard. One bad story is one too many.
Time to bring up "sodomy" and "interracial marriage" laws are gone so your argument is irrelevant. Failed to understand I am using his "the law is the law." Remember, women were beaten and imprisoned for trying to vote in this country before 1920.
Now, I hate using Wikipedia, but I brought up the Nazi laws for the homeless. I used wikipedia because it was really late here in Asia, I am an insomniac but I didn't want to do heavy research. Remember, we don't mark the homeless.
We just fine them, then imprison them for failing to pay the fine, thus giving them a criminal record, making them even more unemployable because most employers won't hire a homeless person because good old American propaganda has brainwashed people into thinking the homeless are all addicts, alcoholics, or have mental/emotional problems. Now we have that propaganda, along with a criminal record. Way to fucking kick people when they are down.
Finally, he makes the wrong statement in his last bullshit attempt to save face: Because the are too poor to pay the fine, we should give them a pass.
No, asshole. Police should use discretion and impart spirit of law. This "anti-camping" law is solely designed to make the actions of homeless people illegal, like anti-loitering and anti-panhandling laws. You can't make being homeless illegal, just make their actions needed to survive illegal.
So I lowered the boom on police enforcing bad laws and not using the discretion in enforcement.
One of my old high school buddies, who is just as as much of moonbat as me (he works as an environmental scientist as was a delegate at the DNC this year) chimes in.
HE also related that he missed his train at Penn Station in NYC and had to wait a few hours to get another one. So he took his stuff and sat on a bench and fell asleep waiting. A nazi NYPD officer took his baton, hit his feet and told him to move along because my buddy could be arrested for vagrancy. My buddy went off, pulled out his wallet, pulled out his DNC delegate credentials, pulled out his train ticket then told the fucking officer to get his sargeant and his lieutenant all the while taping it on his phone.
I watched it. My buddy go the officer's name and badge number and wouldn't let the officer go until the supervisor came. The back peddling was so fun to watch. I told my buddy he could do that because he's white. If he were black, he's be shot.
Then I told him about 24 hour fast food places in China. You realize here, people sleep there all the time. The restaurants don't kick people out for vagrancy and a lot of time, the places give those sleeping there something to eat and drink (24 Hour McDonalds and KFC here in China do that all the time). And this is authoritarian China.
HE then said he remembered watching a video about Ai Wei Wei and his supporters complaining when the Chinese police hit them. HE started laughing and said, if were the States, the cops would have shot them, then planted drugs and a gun on them and come up with a CYA of "I was in fear of my life."
My wife said that she did that twice in University because she couldn't get back to her dormitory because she didn't have enough for the taxis. I said that would get you arrested in the States. She then asked me how can Americans truly call themselves free if you can arrested for everything? I said "propaganda is always effective in bullshitting an ignorant population. Look at you. You people still think Mao was a great man. . a man who caused the murder and death of over 100 million people in his life." She just turned back to the TV and said "I said it before. Chinese cops are useless. American cops are dangerous. I'd rather have useless than dangerous."
After all the shit that has happened that I've mentioned, including Freddie Gray, the DaPL protests and what these cops bastards are doing in Denver, I can't help but agree.
Anyway, how did I do dealing with Trumper?
With Assfaced Shitgibbon as our new overlord, I am expecting quotes like this over the next four yrs
01. Universal education is the most corroding and disintegrating poison that liberalism has ever invented for its own destruction.
02. The broad masses of a population are more amenable to the appeal of rhetoric than to any other force.
03. The victor will never be asked if he told the truth.
04. Demoralize the enemy from within by surprise, terror, sabotage, assassination. This is the war of the future.
05. The Liberal State is a mask behind which there is no face; it is a scaffolding behind which there is no building.
06. Socialism is a fraud, a comedy, a phantom, a blackmail.
07. To read too many books is harmful.
08 I am responsible only to God and history.
09. Politics is when you say you are going to do one thing while intending to do another. Then you do neither what you said nor what you intended.
10. Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas.
11. I don't care if they respect me so long as they fear me.
12. I want you to know that everything I did, I did for my country.
13. I am the object of criticism around the world. But I think that since I am being discussed, then I am on the right track.
14. To sum it all up, I must say that I regret nothing
I don't know about you, but everyday, my anger gets worse and nothing will assuage it (rant time)
1: Police are the lowest of the low. Between taking blankets from the homeless (Denver), doing the bidding of corporations (DaPL), killing unarmed senior citizens (Bakersfield), threatening arrest for everything (ND Restaurant), killing black people (too numerous to mention), and flat just being corrupt (Albuquerque), my tolerance for all of them (and I mean all of them) is at an all time low. They don't care about rights. . .they are nothing more that the tax supported goon squad with military weapons designed to keep the rabble in check. Don't worry though, they will investigate themselves and find they did nothing wrong. But if they do go to trial, nothing will happen because;
2: American people are just fucking worthless these days. Liberals are more concerned with ideological purity to notice the country is two steps away from being a corporate police state where civil rights are a fucking joke. Conservatives are too stupid to realize that they are being played by their masters and will lose as much as everyone else when the police state is permanent. We've starved our education system to the point of it being skin and bones (but wars on drugs and prisons always have money) so we've raised a generation of imbeciles. And they all blame the teachers, which leads to;
3: School administrators are the second lowest form of life, since they are nothing more than yes men for their corporate and political masters. They do next to nothing and will gladly throw a teacher under the bus if they do not toe the party line. Don't agree? One teacher made a comparison between the language of Assfaced Shitgibbon and Hitler, simply using words. Words that are almost the same if you've studied WW2, as this teacher was an expert in. Suspended, because some Trumper went nuts. Which leads to;
4: Jill Stein, who has played every Green Party supporter for a fool. Sorry, it's true. I support her positions, but she is not anything worthwhile at all. With that say, she came around because of;
5: Butthurt Democrats who either stayed home on election day, or voted third party because they didn't get their way. Don't worry the, the Democrats that are in power are the most spineless people in the world. Because instead of being Democrats, they triangulate and become GOP lite, which leads to me bitching about;
6: White blue collar workers who voted Trump thinking their problems are caused by Mexicans, Muslims, gays, Jews, Asians and an other non-white, non-Christian group. Remember, these people supported social programs from the New Deal and Great Society until 1964 when minorities started getting that help, then they turned;
7: Libertarian, which is just Ayn Rand euphemistic language for greedy, selfish asshole. Because if there is one thing that a lot of Americans are good at being, it's greedy, selfish;
8: And stupid, like the 45% of Americans who were complete dumbasses and refused to vote at all. People fought and died for that right to vote. I've lived in dictatorial countries. I live in China now, where no one votes. People have killed and died for the right to vote and Americans don't have the fucking energy to get off their fat, McDonald's eating asses and vote. Shit, you don't even have to do that. Vote absentee, like I do and have since I moved overseas, which leads me to:
9: Any dipshit that tells me that because I live overseas, I have no right to bitch and complain. Fuck you! I didn't lose my citizenship because I moved to another country. Guess what? My wife has her green card. She's going to bitch too. And she will go for her citizenship too. Fuck anyone who tells me that I lost my American ability to bitch about things. Moving along to:
10: People who think that because I "feel the Bern," I need to be nice to people because Bernie is. Sorry. . .Bernie needs to take whatever bullshit his handed his way and deal with it in a respectful manner. I am a writer, historian, and producer of films in Asia. I don't need to do that. I am a private citizens. I support Bernie's positions and people like him (Gabbard, Kucinich, my Congresscritter Raul G from Tucson, Wyden, Whitehouse, Brown, etc), but I will go full pitbull attack dog on people in a second. I don't care about consensus building. I want to smash the otherside with so many bricks to the head that their positions are left bleeding in the moonlight. I am tired of my side taking the fucking high rode, getting the legs chopped out from underneath us and the looking down at those who use the GOP and tea-party's tactics against them. Nice guys finish last. "We they go low, we go high" means "we are too spineless to take them on on their level, so they will go low and at least we can look ourselves in the mirror while we lick our wounds after getting our asses handed to us in every election pretty much since 2010."Which finally, leads to:
11: These fucking Christian fundie assholes that mask their racism, nativism, xenophobia, homophobia, sexism, authoritarianism, fascism, and bullshit in the Bible. Look, I know Christmas is the most important day in the entire world. I'm not a fucking Christian. I don't fucking celebrate it. I am tired of being looked at like a God damned leper for not embracing Jesus. My wife is Buddhist. I guess, in today's America, we're unworthy of living there, she should lose her green card, and I should lose my citizenship. Remember: JEW S A! JEW S A! JEW S A! And I've seen a lot of apologists for anti-Semitism everywhere. I guess I should have just put myself into the ovens. And my wife should have let the Japanese murder her too. Then, there would be more good Christians. JEW S A! JEW S A! JEW S A! Swastikas on parks, Temples, Synagogues, Homes. . .oh, and let's not forget my Mohawk mother who gets told, because she is very dark skinned to "go back where she came from because America is for white people." Where the fuck should she go? Irondequoit? Lockport? Buffalo? Oneida County? My mother's family was in this country when white people were drilling holes in people's heads to relieve headaches and bleeding people to remove "bad humors" in the blood. Yes, she speaks fucking Iroquois language too. FLUENTLY!!! She was told to speak English many times. I know a little, so I know when my mother is insulting people in Iroquois. One of her favorites was "you are a little one that sits on your mother's crotch!" I forget how to write it now because I haven't spoken or heard her speak in 20 years. But, since we are also Jewish, I guess I must be as good as others. Remember, No Irish Need Apply: Rum, Romanism and Rebellion, No Japs, No Blacks, No Mexicans, Job unavailable to vowel ending last names (Italians, etc). . .and in America, "Z" is a vowel. Like Lipshitz, Horowitz, Mankewitz.
As you can see, I am pissed. Fuck Assfaced Shitgibbon. He's a symptom. He's the effect. If people want to really see the cause, all you need to is go into the bathroom and look in a mirror. We did this to ourselves. We allowed it to happen.
I don't care if people are angry at my posts saying nazi girls in Scottsdale need to be beaten for making swastikas on a Jewish "friend's" birthday cupcakes. I don't care if people disagree with my assessment that the common man shouldn't have as much influence as they do, because Hamilton was right and Jefferson/Jackson were wrong. I don't care if people don't like my caustic language. And I really don't care if I cause butthurt. I am not violating the rules of this website by ranting. You are free to block me. I block people too. But I am pissed and the American electorate, media, police, and attitudes are the reason.
This is how you deal with homophobes, bigots, racists, xenophobes, neo-nazis and klansmen
Lafayette is the fucking bomb!
Do you think the mainstream corporate media is finally waking up to the danger that is Assfaced
It looks as though.
A joke in response to Assfaced "I'm so smart, I don't need DIB" Shitgibbon: A joke
The Pope, Assfaced Shitgibbon, LeBron James and a 2nd grader are on an airplane. The pilot has a heart attack and the dies. Instantly, the plane starts to fall to Earth. However, there are four people and only three parachutes.
LeBron takes the first one and says "I am an international celebrity. Millions people look up to me. I need to live." He takes a parachute and jumps.
Assfaced Shitgibbon takes the second and says "I am the greatest president ever, and the smartest." He jumps.
The Pope looks at the 2nd grader and says "My child, I'm old and lived a long life. You take the last one. I am ready to meet God."
The 2nd grader smiles and says, "Your holiness, we both can live. The 'smartest, greatest president ever' took my backpack."
I love the Scots: Oldie but goodie: Choose your Trump insult and put it in your sig line
https://www.buzzfeed.com/hilarywardle/custard-flavoured-jobby?utm_term=.tcgk26xD5#.qpDAwVB9jI'm adding "Leather-faced piss jar" to my sig now.
Check in if you feel the same way I do: I will never respect the Shitgibbon ever, ever, ever!
I won't even call him by his name. He is Comrade Shitgibbon. We are told to respect the office.
Check in if you will give that leather faced piss jar as much respect over the next four (unless his Happy Gilmore ass gets impeached and convicted) years as I will.
No. I will not call him president. No, I will not "respect the office." No, I will not give him a
No, I will not listen to his agenda
No, I will not give him the benefit of the doubt
No, I will not change my mind that Jefferson and Jackson were wrong about giving the common man the vote
No, I will not change my mind that the electoral college was a bad idea when Hamilton suggested it
No, I will not accept my "rejection" by the American people because only 1/4 of the American people voted against me, and of those that voted, I got more votes.
No, I will not accept authoritarianism or the believe that "he is my president." See the first "no" statement I made
No, I will not give "your side" respect because your side is made up of racists, bigots, sexist homophobes, klansmen and Neo-Nazis
No, I will not say "alt-right." I will say what you are: anti-American fuckwits.
No, I will not support the police. Especially when they get away with murder and have no problems doing the bidding of corporate America. We all know who they protect and serve now. Ask the Sioux.
No, I will not support the troops, since that is nothing more than a mask for "support the war." And I will not support wars.
No, I will not be bipartisan. Fuck that. You motherfuckers weren't under Obama, why should I be now?
(a self criticism) No, I will not be nice because Bernie Sanders is a nice guy (and I support him). I am me. I loathe those people. I loathe everything about him. And if politics would allow it, I do believe Bernie would call Trump, his supporters, his voters, his surrogates and his handlers fucking Nazi motherfuckers.
No, I will not temper my language when it comes to racism. I don't care the age of the racist. I don't care the sex of the racist. I don't care any more. All racists deserve the "boot to the head" treatment. Don't like it? You can lay on the ground. We Jews did that and six million of us were exterminated while the rest of the world looked on. We were also subjected to pogroms, inquisition, expulsions from countries, forced conversations, torture, beatings, genocide, murder, and the rest of the world didn't care. Black people were treated the same way, and still are. No one cared then, no one cared now. Then look out gays and lesbians. Matthew Sheppard anyone?
No, love does not conquer hate. Making people who are racists and sexists realize the error of their thinking through the same tactics they use against "un-American" types. Sorry, sometimes, you need to get down to their level and off the liberal high horse.
No, I will not stop thinking this is a war for the soul and future of our country. And we are losing!
Basically, I will give the Republicans and this Orange haired, cheeto faced shitgibbon, his trophy trollop (who told us how hard it was growing up a black woman in Chicago), the adult demon spawns of Hell he calls his children, or anything somewhat attached to him.
Even if he were the second coming of FDR and brought about an America that I wished we were, I still wouldn't support him. Fuck him. Fuck his third trophy. Fuck their bastard offspring (the adult ones). Fuck their supporters. Fuck their sycophants. Fuck anyone who gave him money.
And, to be honest, if anyone has a problem with my language or the caustic nature of this post. . .you know where to go to. As fast as you can. I am so sick of being nice.
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Member since: Mon Jul 6, 2015, 01:46 PMNumber of posts: 3,839