Feeling the Bern
Feeling the Bern's JournalBuzzfeed gave us all what we needed: 520 hours of Shitgibbon speeches in one place
Our lives are now completeClick the link and tell Buzzfeed just how happy you are to have this fantastic resource available for your listening and viewing pleasure.
Invite your friends and family to listen to the Shitgibbon fart and burp out meaningless drivel while you enjoy group vomits.
Come one, come all. . .thank Buzzfeed for this 520 hour long internet circle jerk. Listen in. . .you too can a be a pivot man!
I wonder if Assfaced Shitgibbon reads his Twitter responses. I know he doesn't.
But it is fun cursing him out on it.
When I am bored and have nothing to do, I post on his Twitter. Here are five examples of it:
One of my "friends" on facebook decided to "yell" at me for lack of respect for Assfaced Shitgibbon
and his dickhead surrogate Chris Collins from NY (the state I grew up in).
I figured I gave a very pointed response:
I challenged my inner Carlin and Pryor.
Motherfucking Assfaced Shitgibbon can't do one thing original. Look at this 1980s political poster
WTF? They keep trying to make America great again, and keep fucking it up.
And dipshit, asshole, idiot, moronic, willfully ignorant Americans keep fucking falling for it.
Why? Because Americans are fucking idiots.
I never thought, in my life time, Franklin Pierce would go from the Gold of worst presidents ever
to the Bronze.
Shit, I never thought Chimpy McPlasticTurkey would go from the Gold to the Silver.
The 10 (American) Cities With the Highest HIV Rates
Amazingly, out of the top ten cities, nine are in red states.
Out the states, two states of multiple entries. . .and both are red, "abstinence only" states.
Who woulda thunk?
So I opened a twitter account and I made mistakes dealing with Twitter and Trumpers (need help)
1: I posted my photo as me. Bad idea. I noticed that all these trumpers do is attack what they see. Apparently, since I'm "fat" an "ugly," I am also stupid and need to learn something.
2: I posted my place of employment's website (the film production company). The CEO and my fellow producers started getting hate mail on the "email us" accounts demanding the "unAmerican kite get fired or they will boycott our Jew liberal movies." After all, I abandoned the US for "Chinaland, bought my (racist name for Chinese people) wife and write Chinese propaganda." Misspelling is on purpose. My boss and the rest of the producers (I am one of them) got a good laugh out of it. I was told to watch what I say because my boss knows how much of a pitbull I am both in the movie realm and in the political realm (I slice right wing talent to pieces the second they open their mouths). So I changed the website to:
I wonder how many will click it?
Never bringing a political toy knife to a real political gun fight. Time to use their playbook
Yes, I'm sick of Democrats always talking about the high road and getting their legs cut out from under them.
"We lost, but at least we were polite and respectful." FUCK THAT NOISE!!!
It's time to use their shit against them. No mercy, no quarter. And no let up.
I know their playbook and I know how to use it against them.
Their playbook is the following:
1: Lie, then lie about lying -- just keep hitting with facts until:
2: Call you the typical angry liberal -- now it's insult time: Call the typical brain dead asshole conservatard and then you get:
3: Tell you "I know liberals where supposed to be tolerant." -- them the you are intolerant to nazis, sexists, racists, etc, until:
4: They say they aren't a nazi/sexist/racist/bigot -- tell them they voted for one and that's all you need.
And if their lackeys in the media like Fuckie Toad, Wolf the Douche, or anyone at Fox News tries to put their passive aggressive whining, nail them with their shit too.
Hit hard, hit repeatedly, hit with force and don't stop hitting until there is nothing left of the body.
Hit below the belt. Hit from behind! Time to show them the same respect they show us.
Usually now, they are drooling on themselves. Keep hitting them. Call them anti-American and give a list of reasons way.
Call them America hating and give them a list of reasons way.
Tell them to leave the country if they hate it here so much. Give them a list of libertarian, socially conservative places that are Christian theocracies: Uganda could be good.
Accuse them of being invaders and that they support the murder of native Americans.
FUCK, use their fucking playbook again them! It isn't hard!
Good liberals in Denver must be proud of their War on Homeless People Mayor
As we outlined in our last article about the sweeps, and what these news outlets are failing to report on, is that the mayors statement does not end the confiscations of peoples survival gear. The only change in policy is that the police have been told they cannot take peoples property as evidence while enforcing the unauthorized camping ban, but they can continue taking peoples property while enforcing the encumbrance ordinance. Denver police (DPD) are still enforcing policies which give them the power to confiscate belongings, move people along, and criminalize people without housingall under the encouragement and approval of Mayor Hancock.
This POS asshole needs to resign now! I mean now!
And if this is what modern Democrats do and want to do and support, we deserve to lose. I am fucking disgusted at this shit. Aren't we a fucking proud country!
It's bad enough people are homeless (including veterans, which is a God damned disgrace X1,000,000), but the fact that cities have declared the acts homeless people do to survive is beyond disgraceful. I knew this would happen with cities started passing laws outlawing panhandling.
Primary this motherfucker, Denver! And primary any "Democrat" who thinks this a good idea.
Singer Andrea Bocellis fans threaten boycott if he performs at Trump inauguration
Source: Raw Story
Andrea Bocelli is rumored to sing at Donald Trumps inauguration next month, and not all of his fans are happy about it.
Though Bocelli has neither confirmed nor denied the reports that he will perform a duet with Americas Got Talent singer Jackie Evancho at the event, some of his fans have started a Boycott Bocelli movement should the Italian singer join in welcoming the President-elect to the White House on Jan. 20.
Read more: http://www.rawstory.com/2016/12/singer-andrea-bocellis-fans-threaten-boycott-if-he-performs-at-trump-inauguration/comments/#disqus
Say goodbye to your career, Trump licker!
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Member since: Mon Jul 6, 2015, 01:46 PMNumber of posts: 3,839