TeddyR's JournalTexas Campus Carry
Has been permitted for a few days now. I haven't heard of any problems, just like I'm unaware of any problem caused by campus carry in other states. Am I missing anything?
Here's an update on the lawsuit filed by a few UT professors against the law. Not sure they have much of a case.
Tim Kaine's stance on firearms has shifted with events
Kaine has always believed in the right to bear arms, but with limits that made no sense to accentuate in 2005 Virginia because he was already considered too progressive, Turnage said. He was not willing to add more bricks to that side of the scale, he said.
So Hillary just told Chris Wallace
She does not want to see Heller overturned but does want Congress to enact reasonable gun control laws. The Heller piece won't endear her to those who support gun confiscation.
'It's a matter of survival': the black Americans fighting for gun rights
Randalls group may be in a radical minority, but he is part of a much larger body of African American opinion which is pro-firearms and pro-second amendment. Not everyone in that category shares Randalls broader political views, but many see guns as a way of being safe in a country that is dangerous for black citizens.
In 2014, Pew found that 19% of black Americans reported owning a gun, compared with 41% of white Americans. More recent surveys indicate a slight weakening in what overall is strong black support for greater gun control. But other data from late in 2014 suggests that more than half of black Americans still think that owning a gun makes someone safer.
If we accept the accuracy of these figures, there seems to be a large gap between the number of people who think guns would make them safer, and the number who actually go out and get a firearm.
Massachusetts AG told: Gun directive is a 'whole new law'
So Healey's unilateral decision to ban firearms that aren't actually banned by Massachusetts' assault weapons law has drawn a rebuke from 58 lawmakers, including 14 Democrats:
Healey last week announced that she will crack down on enforcement of the state's 1998 assault weapons ban, specifically focusing on what she called "copycat" versions or duplicates of firearms banned under that law.
A gun qualifies as a forbidden copycat if it is "substantially similar in construction and configuration" to one of the banned guns or has interchangeable key parts, according to the enforcement notice.
"For the last 18 years, the law has been implemented and enforced consistently, both by your office and your predecessors," the legislators wrote. "Your new directive, which has been presented by your office as nothing more than a closing of 'loopholes' in the current law, appears in fact to be much more than that: the enforcement of a whole new law that unfairly infringes on the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding gun owners in Massachusetts."
More here - http://www.telegram.com/article/20160725/NEWS/160729463
Watching CNN coverage and Van Jones (and others) thinks that the Dems need to do a better job
Standing up against the killing of police officers. This is a politically charged issue. Thoughts?
On edit, "and others" refers to other CNN commentators.
"Yes, of course Donald Trump can win" - article from the WaPo
Excerpt from the article:
In a binary choice election which is what this is Trump benefits from the fact that he is simply not Clinton. What's happened to date in the race pre-GOP convention is that support has peeled off Clinton but not gone to Trump. Rather, it's moved to "undecided." The GOP convention, as Philip Bump documented here, led to some movement to Trump. Hence the tightening in polls.
What this all means is that the race is close today and there's plenty of reason to believe it will stay like that all the way until the election. For those who say Trump can't win, you probably said he would have never made it this far. All assumptions need to go out the window in an election like this one. Trump seems to understand that.
Trump is a terrible candidate, completely unsuitable and it is appalling that he even in in the discussion for the presidency. At the same time, Hillary has been in the public eye for so long that I don't expect her numbers to change much for better or worse. People made up their minds a long time ago about whether they will vote for her. Another article I read stated that this election almost comes down to a generic Dem against a generic Republican, and we need to make sure and get out the vote in November.
Rest of the WaPo article here - https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/07/25/yes-of-course-donald-trump-can-win/
This is the type of senseless crime
That doesn't make national news but that occurs entirely too often across this country. https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/public-safety/car-stolen-from-68-year-old-man-slain-after-pumping-gas-found-burned-in-dc/2016/07/22/dd030c2a-5024-11e6-aa14-e0c1087f7583_story.html?hpid=hp_hp-cards_mhp-card-local%3Ahomepage%2Fcard
A majority of these types of crimes are committed by people who either are convicted felons that should not have a gun or purchased their gun illegally. This criminal obviously wasn't dissuaded by DC's strict gun control laws and ban on public carry.
"An Indian rape survivor was allegedly raped again by the same five men"
What is wrong with people? And what is wrong with the justice system in some countries?
538's take on the state of the race
Nate has Hillary's win chances at 65% but thinks there is a "high" or "very high" level of uncertainty in the outcome. PA, OH and FL are the key states and all three are close. He thinks Hillary should be concerned that these states are so close after the money spent there. http://fivethirtyeight.com/features/election-update-10-questions-about-where-the-2016-race-stands/
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