hill2016's JournalI need good news...When does Hillary put this away???
I just can't wait another month!!
Anyone booked a hotel room for Hillary's inauguration yet? Not many rooms below $1k/night left
Better do it quick if you want to go.
I predict that Clinton won't need California to clinch the nomination
Once she goes into the Acela corridor she will pick up enough delegates to reach the magic number.
You can't have economic justice without redistribution. Free trade has helped hundreds of millions
of people around the world.
It has provided jobs where previously the best jobs were in rural subsistence farming.
To say nothing of the benefits of providing internet and cell phone services to undeveloped countries.
Show me the large group of working millennials looking to pay much higher taxes for
universal health care and free college for college students.
Where are they?
Millennials like socialism — until they get jobs
https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/in-theory/wp/2016/03/24/millennials-like-socialism-until-they-get-jobs/Is this true? Do millennials support Sanders only because they aren't paying for his platform?
It's a good day for Clinton if she can keep Sanders from gaining any delegates today (relatively)
Fingers crossed!!
Bad news: Sanders could win the next seven states after Arizona
Idaho, Utah, Alaska, Hawaii, Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming
We don't have a chance to stop him until Hillary's Eastern firewall starts voting in a month's time.
Have courage and fortitude! It's gonna be a rough month from here on out.
I can't wait until Wall Street hating CT, NY and NJ vote and blow Clinton out of the water!!
Sanders' message must really resonate there!!!
Oh wait...
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