Firestorm49's JournalThe fool still can't find it within himself to act like a man and do what's right.
His immense ego, well documented first hand by his PHD niece Mary, and nearly every sane observer on the planet, simply prevents him from acknowledging decency, common sense or morality. It simply doesnt compute in his mind.
This clown show is continuing in an embarrassing display to the world. Never before, to the best of my knowledge, and hopefully never again, shall we get such an extremely poorly vetted candidate to represent Americas values to the free world. This administration, as we all know, was the equivalent of a political abortion on which America stands.
We need much better candidate vetting as we move on. Were Trumps shady financial dealings known? Yes! Were has morals lower than a snakess ass? Yes! Were his corrupt ties to financial institutions and corrupt foreign governments known? Hell yes! Yet he was vetted to run for the highest office in the land.
If we are going to move forward as a free and democratic nation and prevent this type of insideous takeover from ever occurring again, vetting needs to be greatly improved, perhaps with mental, financial, criminal and moral aspects brought into play during the process.
Thank God we can breath again. I never thought the election would be this close. Lets hope this Trump nightmare ends without too much more damage.
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